Feevy – Fever Tracker is a medical app developed by Daniel Rinser. The latest update (v1.10), released on <em>September 19, 2018</em>, includes fixes and new features, and has been rated 3.43 out of 5 stars based on 21 reviews. Feevy – Fever Tracker costs <em>$2.99</em> to download. The app is compatible with iOS 9.0+ and Android 8 or newer.

Feevy – Fever Tracker

Feevy – Fever Tracker icon

Genre: Medical

Ratings: 3.43

Version: 1.1

Updated 19/09/18

Downloads: 280

Perfect for Families with Kids

Feevy – Fever Tracker is a medical app developed by Daniel Rinser. The latest update (v1.10), released on September 19, 2018, includes fixes and new features, and has been rated 3.43 out of 5 stars based on 21 reviews. Feevy – Fever Tracker costs $2.99 to download. The app is compatible with iOS 9.0+ and Android 8 or newer.

What is Feevy – Fever Tracker app?

Do your children often have a fever? Do you sometimes get confused remembering when exactly it started, how it progressed and what other symptoms occurred? Having trouble explaining the exact course of the fever to the pediatrician? Keep track of body temperatures and medication for your whole family with Feevy.
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Download Feevy – Fever Tracker for PC/Mac

Ready to enjoy Feevy – Fever Tracker on your PC or Mac? Download the latest APK file version (1.10), which requires 30 MB of free space. Follow our guide using the recommended emulator, Bluestacks, for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For help downloading or installing the Feevy – Fever Tracker app, visit our forums.

Reviews on Feevy – Fever Tracker for iOS

★★★★★ Simple and Syncs with other phones
We love this app as it helps us track medication, the dose, and date/time it was given. Me and my wife can check the same app on our own phones and it helps look for patterns and provide information to their pediatrician. NOTE TO DEVELOPER: Can you add the ability to add notes or a field for symptoms? This would help look back in history and find out WHY we gave the medication. For example, was it for a toothache or a fever?
★★★★★ The best. period.
The best app I dealt with for the past 12 years! Lets me track kids separately, create “events”, or illnesses, separately for each kid. Love that I can graph med and fever progress at the same time, and see each in the graph separately . I can easily edit incorrectly entered time with ease (other apps you’d have to delete and re-enter). I can also save the meds so that I don’t have to re-enter every time my kid takes, let’s say Motrin 7.5 ml, during his fever spikes. Have been using this app sin
★★★★★ Good for tracking illnesses
My kindergarten has had one sickness after the other and I write them on paper but then they get tossed. This helps me keep track of how long they were sick and see patterns in the fever and also see where one kid was and know what to expect for the other. For improvement, if you could color code medication on the chart, like when you alternate motrin and Tylenol so see which you gave last from the graph and how they effected the fever.
★★★★☆ Setting temp smaller than 36C needed
Currently there is no option to set temperature to be between 35-36 C and that's possible and valid situation.
★★★★★ Simple and effective
It can get hard to track the time of previous medications for kids and also how their fever is responding. This makes it easy with a very easy to use/simple free app.
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