FEZ Pocket Edition is an adventure puzzle game developed by Polytron. The last update, v1.00, released on September 13, 2019, and it’s rated 4.24 out of 5 based on the latest 518 reviews. FEZ Pocket Edition costs $4.99 and requires iOS 8.0+ and Android 7 or newer to download.
FEZ Pocket Edition Gameplay Overview
Gomez is a 2D creature living in a 2D world. Or is he? When the existence of a mysterious 3rd dimension is revealed to him, Gomez is sent out on a journey that will take him to the very end of time and space.
Want to enjoy FEZ Pocket Edition on your desktop? Download the latest APK (1.00, 167 MB) or choose your preferred version, and follow our Bluestacks emulator guide for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For any assistance with downloading or installing APK files, feel free to visit our forums!
If you have text size reading problems, you can’t beat the game without a guide. It was engaging to play but there get to be puzzles I just couldn’t do because the in game language is so small that I can’t read to figure out the puzzles.
So. Yeah.
★★★★☆FEZ is really good
I like the concept, the 2D game getting more perspectives as the protag goes 3rd dimensional.
Its a really great game and I'd love to progress through it, if I could actually play it at all. see everytime I put in just a few too many inputs it crashes, over and over.
Though if this game has a PC version and has better playability I am totally going to download it asap.
Some puzzles very hard 🤯but still amazing ❤️game❤️
★★★★☆Game keeps crashing
Great game. But keeps crashing on phone Ans iPad Pro. Not sure why
★★★★★Game Author: Make an advanced Kid Icarus
Would be cool reimagined in your 4d format. Just a thought.