FishDonkey is a sports app developed by Fishery Innovations LLC. The latest update (v1.13), released on <em>December 14, 2023</em>, includes fixes and new features, and has been rated 3.94 out of 5 stars based on 72 reviews. FishDonkey is <em>FREE</em> to download. The app is compatible with iOS 13.0+ and Android 12 or newer.


FishDonkey icon

Genre: Sports

Ratings: 3.94

Version: 1.13.2

Updated 14/12/23

Downloads: 305

Create Fishing Tournaments

FishDonkey is a sports app developed by Fishery Innovations LLC. The latest update (v1.13), released on December 14, 2023, includes fixes and new features, and has been rated 3.94 out of 5 stars based on 72 reviews. FishDonkey is FREE to download. The app is compatible with iOS 13.0+ and Android 12 or newer.

What is FishDonkey app?

App Description

Create and run fishing tournaments on a mobile phone: Catch and release,traditional tournaments by weight or length.
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Download FishDonkey for PC/Mac

Ready to enjoy FishDonkey on your PC or Mac? Download the latest APK file version (1.13), which requires 49 MB of free space. Follow our guide using the recommended emulator, Bluestacks, for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For help downloading or installing the FishDonkey app, visit our forums.

Reviews on FishDonkey for iOS

★★★★★ A MUST HAVE for any tournament angler!
I love this app! It’s so simple and easy to use and there are so many different tournaments you can get involved in, many at super low cost or even free! Even semi-pro tournaments are much easier and better for the fish with using this app. Best part is, there’s always a real person you can talk to if you have issues. Thanks Darren at FishDonkey!
★★★★★ Straightforward app
The FishDonkey app is easy to use, it works well even in areas without cell service (just remember to upload your pictures from your Digital Livewell when you get back in an area with service or WiFi). I’ve used this for a bunch of virtual fishing tournaments and really like it.
★★★★★ Fishing league
Used in our fishing league this summer. It was a great option made the league that much more fun.
★★★★★ A bank-beater’s dream!
Without a boat, it can be a challenge to find tournaments to be a coangler. Their app allows me to find and fish tournaments competitively against people across the country at waters near me. ITS A BLAST!!
★★★☆☆ Can’t escape bump board ad
Every time I enter a tournament the x to close the ad for the bump board they want you to buy won’t work cause it’s crammed behind my battery level on my phone so I have to close the app and restart because I can’t click anywhere without going to a separate site to buy a bump board I don’t want.
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