FlightReady E6B is a navigation app developed by Aeroapps Technology. The last update, v1.13, released on January 24, 2024, and it’s rated 4.76 out of 5 based on the latest 910 reviews. FlightReady E6B costs $7.99 and requires iOS 15.1+ and Android 14.1 or newer to download.
E6B Flight Computer
Over 100 aviation functions, conversions, and utilities, including functions that you won't find in any other E6B. Each function uses the correct scientific formula to ensure accuracy.
Want to enjoy FlightReady E6B on your desktop? Download the latest APK (1.13, 10 MB) or choose your preferred version, and follow our Bluestacks emulator guide for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For any assistance with downloading or installing APK files, feel free to visit our forums!
User Reviews and Ratings
Would be great to be more exact with seconds
★★★★☆Great E6B! Some UI suggestions...
As a student pilot who is almost a PPL this app seems to cover everything I need. I do have some interface suggestions, though: 1.) A tab or enter key would be useful instead of the keyboard hide key. This way I can keep my finger near the bottom of the screen (on a iPhone XR) instead of having to move up and down the screen to move between data entry fields. And 2.) Move the keypad up a few pixels so that one doesn’t accidentally swipe up when using the bottom row of keys.
★★★★☆App crashing
In latest version , the new extra function is not work already , while you touch the that part of functions the app goes crash and you have run again....
★★★★☆Good app
I really like this app, but you should be able to insert magnetic course into the “heading and groundspeed” section
★★★☆☆No way to calculate TAS or CAS
The app has some good features but found it impossible to calculate TAS if other factors are known, like: GS, TC, WDIR, WSPD, PALT etc.