Fly Corp: Airline Manager

Published by AI GAMES FZ LLC on Dec 16, 2021
Fly Corp: Airline Manager icon

Genre: Simulation

Ratings: 4.40

Version: 1.13.1

Updated: Jun 05, 2024

Downloads: 554

Fly Corp: Airline Manager is a simulation strategy game developed by AI Games FZ. The last update, v1.13, released on June 05, 2024, and it’s rated 4.40 out of 5 based on the latest 9.3K reviews. Fly Corp: Airline Manager is FREE and requires iOS 13.0+ and Android 12 or newer to download.

Run the world airport network‪!‬

Fly Corp: Airline Manager Gameplay Overview


Develop your own transport network in various countries and cities. Open new routes, buy new planes and upgrade them, increase the capacity of the airports.
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How to Play Fly Corp: Airline Manager on PC or Mac

Want to enjoy Fly Corp: Airline Manager on your desktop? Download the latest APK (1.13, 379 MB) or choose your preferred version, and follow our Bluestacks emulator guide for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For any assistance with downloading or installing APK files, feel free to visit our forums!

User Reviews and Ratings

★★★☆☆ Too many ads and battery issue
There are too many ads and if I play the game, it still kills my battery due to the fact that it overheats after a really short time of playing. Also, try to make a way to buy the “remove ads” feature because I’m not able to do it right now. Overall though, I love the game. Once these issues are fixed, I’ll play this game way more often
★★★★★ Please add more small countries!
Great game! Would love to see more small countries, like Andorra, Liechtenstein, Rhode Island, etc. (just kidding about Rhode Island :)
★★★☆☆ Fix this
I hoped on your game but i couldn’t see my money because a add had blocked my view
★★★★☆ Very awesome, one thing I don’t like
I so love this game, it’s so cool how you can do lots of stuff at the same time. But, there is just one problem,(or thing in-game basically). I don’t like the “exceeded unlock country limit” thing. It basically stops you from playing.
★★★☆☆ Good game but broken
I was playing and all of the sudden, the music stops. I save and rejoin the game however when I return, there are 0 routes and I have hundreds of millions of dollars I didn’t have before. Also it showed that I had unlocked Switzerland and not Germany when I had unlocked Germany and not Switzerland, also I still had my Berlin airport. Overall good game but buggier than the Amazon Rainforest.
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