Focus Traveller - Flow Timer

Published by WEI JEN CHEN on Jun 22, 2021
Focus Traveller - Flow Timer icon

Genre: Productivity

Ratings: 4.87

Version: 2.6.1

Updated: Jul 04, 2024

Downloads: 5,366

Focus Traveller - Flow Timer is a productivity app developed by WEI JEN CHEN. The last update, v2.60, released on July 04, 2024, and it’s rated 4.87 out of 5 based on the latest 1.2K reviews. Focus Traveller - Flow Timer is FREE and requires iOS 15.0+ and Android 14 or newer to download.

pomodoro timer & study tracker

Video: Focus Traveller Overview


When you are alone, do you always have a reason for not being able to concentrate on things? Do you always want to find a friend to study together at night? Focus Traveller is a timer to help you get into the flow of work and learning.
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How to Use Focus Traveller on Your PC or Mac

Want to enjoy Focus Traveller - Flow Timer on your desktop? Download the latest APK (2.60, 611 MB) or choose your preferred version, and follow our Bluestacks emulator guide for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For any assistance with downloading or installing APK files, feel free to visit our forums!

User Reviews and Ratings

★★★★★ Background sound effects aren’t looping
Hey. The background sound effects (crickets/water/etc) aren’t looping seamlessly. There’s a break that occurs every 10-12 seconds. Love everything about the app otherwise
★★★★★ I love this
This app is so cute and cozy. It genuinely helped me study and get into the habit of studying more. I cant recomend this enough, all of my friends have used it as well. Definitely check it out ❣️
★★★★☆ Wish I could close my phone
Really cute! This was exactly what I wanted in a focus timer. But I don’t like that the character rest if you turn your phone off. I’d like to save my battery a bit and not have the screen always on.
★★★★★ I absolutely love it!
I’m a student, and through the beginning of this year I was trying out different focus apps, and this is the best one I have come across. I absolutely love the different characters, and the ability to play other music platforms through the app! I’m so excited to see how this app grows!
★★★★☆ Amazing app! One issue
Love the art of the app and the motivation it gives me. My one issue is that I get notifications when one of my friends invites me very rarely so we end up inviting each other more than 20 times before we can join. It would be a 5-star review if there was some feature or tab in the app that let you see who was inviting you. Then I could get into groups easier. Thank you!
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