Garage: Bad Dream Adventure is an entertainment adventure game developed by Tomomi Sakuba. The last update, v1.10, released on September 10, 2024, and it’s rated 4.72 out of 5 based on the latest 47 reviews. Garage: Bad Dream Adventure costs $4.99 and requires iOS 12.0+ and Android 11 or newer to download.
Remastered complete version
Garage: Bad Dream Adventure Gameplay Overview
Garage - This weird machine is said to create a bizarre dark world by working on the subject's subconscious mind.
How to Play Garage: Bad Dream Adventure on PC or Mac
Want to enjoy Garage: Bad Dream Adventure on your desktop? Download the latest APK (1.10, 219 MB) or choose your preferred version, and follow our Bluestacks emulator guide for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For any assistance with downloading or installing APK files, feel free to visit our forums!
This game is by no means for anyone. It’s slow it’s repetitive and at times you’ll feel lost. However despite this the games writing and story is amazing. I will say that one of the bad aspects of this game is the lack of online walkthroughs. But even so I found that this game is a lot more comprehensible then most old click and point games. The game is weird don’t get me wrong but despite the strange ambience and character design near the end I was able to empathize with the characters in a way
★★★★★Point and click game with a lot of pizazz
I feel like a lot of point and click games can be frustrating with puzzles and logic that don’t make a lot of sense. This game has the perfect balance of difficulty, problem solving, and strategy. The repeated tasks of filling up, and setting bottle traps can seem tedious, but it gets fun running around the map and also taking care of business.
★★★★★Wonderfully strange adventure
The bizarreness of this game is fascinating. The artwork is grim but oddly beautiful in a way. It’s clear this is from the golden age of strange unique and sometimes frustrating games and I’m glad it was rereleased on iOS for people to experience the nostalgia.
★★★★★Thank you Garage Bad Dream Adventure
Thank you Garage Bad Dream Adventure
★★★★★A splendid game rescued from being obscure
This game was once and still is a rare find, but now this has changed with the mobile release version. Coupled with the convenient phones of today, and the language accessibility/translating of many languages that have been added to this game, it is now safe to say Garage: A bad dream adventure will be kept on the shelves for many years to come, effectively saved from obscurity. The gameplay is great for such a relic of the 90’s and with the new quality of life additions, such as the new map, ac