Hadean Lands
Published by Andrew Plotkin on Oct 31, 2014
Genre: Puzzle
Ratings: 5.00
Version: 1.2.3
Updated: Dec 31, 2018
Downloads: 497
Hadean Lands is a puzzle books game developed by Zarfhome Software Consulting. The last update, v1.20, released on December 31, 2018, and it’s rated 5.00 out of 5 based on the latest 14 reviews. Hadean Lands costs $4.99 and requires iOS 8.0+ and Android 7 or newer to download.
Interactive Alchemical Fiction

Hadean Lands Gameplay Overview
*Winner of the XYZZY Interactive Fiction Awards for Best Puzzles, Best Setting, Best Implementation, and Best Use of Innovation for 2014.*
*Hadean Lands* is interactive fiction — a classic text adventure.
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How to Play Hadean Lands on PC or Mac
Want to enjoy Hadean Lands on your desktop? Download the latest APK (1.20, 18 MB) or choose your preferred version, and follow our Bluestacks emulator guide for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For any assistance with downloading or installing APK files, feel free to visit our forums!
Version: 1.2.3
Version: 1.2.2
User Reviews and Ratings
★★★★★ Intricate and amazing
I've played interactive fiction for many years, so I was excited to find such a complex, rich game. Plotkin's games are always interesting, but this really is his best yet, from the way the story and the world are constructed as you play, to the alchemical puzzles. (Beginners might start with the Dreamhold instead.)
★★★★★ Absolutely fantastic
I really thoroughly enjoyed the game and feel this is one of the best interactive fiction games I've played. Truly phenomenal and detailed.
★★★★★ Brilliant, innovative parser-based interactive fiction
To get this out of the way: this is IF/text adventure, but it's not about solving mazes and playing guess-the-verb. It is about intricate, fascinating puzzles with a unique iterative mechanic that gives you a sense of mastery; a detailed, coherent alternate universe based on alchemy; and an overall meta-puzzle as the player tries to figure out what happened, not to mention who he/she is. Innovative parser commands streamline gameplay so you're thinking about the game, not the mechanics, and the
★★★★★ Delightful and brilliant
Fun fun game. Zarf has outdone himself.
★★★★★ Deeper than it looks
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On day 1, you'll think this is an interesting little text-based adventure game. By day 3, you'll realize it's the best such game ever written and will set the bar for all future games in this genre. Incredible.