HandySpeech is a medical app developed by Eric Zeiberg. The latest update (v5.30), released on <em>December 23, 2020</em>, includes fixes and new features, and has been rated 3.00 out of 5 stars based on 2 reviews. HandySpeech costs <em>$2.99</em> to download. The app is compatible with iOS 8.2+ and Android 7.2 or newer.


HandySpeech icon

Genre: Medical

Ratings: 3.00

Version: 5.3

Updated 23/12/20

Downloads: 239

Handwriting to Speech App

HandySpeech is a medical app developed by Eric Zeiberg. The latest update (v5.30), released on December 23, 2020, includes fixes and new features, and has been rated 3.00 out of 5 stars based on 2 reviews. HandySpeech costs $2.99 to download. The app is compatible with iOS 8.2+ and Android 7.2 or newer.

What is HandySpeech app?

HandySpeech Is The Gift Of Voice! APPROVED: Dr.
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Download HandySpeech for PC/Mac

Ready to enjoy HandySpeech on your PC or Mac? Download the latest APK file version (5.30), which requires 101 MB of free space. Follow our guide using the recommended emulator, Bluestacks, for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For help downloading or installing the HandySpeech app, visit our forums.

Reviews on HandySpeech for iOS

★★★★★ Innovative product for individuals with speech disabilities!
Wow!! Great app! Easy to use, very user friendly. It works well, understood my handwriting perfectly, intuitive. I am a clinical therapist and have several clients that can benefit from this product! Working with children and adults with disabilities can be frustrating for the clinician in communicating, but even more so for the client! As a professional I would recommend it for my clients, or anyone with a speech impermanent.
★★★★★ Got my voice back!!!!!
I downloaded HandySpeech app a few days ago. Great app! It understood my handwriting very well, even though I don't have the best handwriting. The more I wrote, the better it understood me. The app speaks in a very pleasant voice. I downloaded Spanish language and it worked well too. Very easy to use. Perfect app for having a casual conversation. I would highly recommend this app. Thank you so much for helping me to be able to speak with my family and friends like I used to do.
★★★★☆ Speach
I purchased this for my husband after he was diagnosed with tongue cancer for the third time. The doctors removed his tongue and larynx. He has been using this program for about a month. There are a few glitches, but all in all it's a great product. It has given my best friend back to me. It's not his voice, but it's his words! Thank you for creating it!
★★★★★ Handyspeech
Ive used Handyspeech for just one day and it's already paid for itself! I think it is a great thing for both improving your speech and your writing skills. I had a stroke one year ago, and Handyspeech is very useful for my recovery.
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