Icewind Dale Version History
Delve into the extensive archive of Icewind Dale APK versions, featuring detailed notes and compatibility information for each of the 3 version histories collected since Aug 21, 2018. This page is dedicated to fans looking to explore the evolution of Icewind Dale.
- Package Namecom.overhaulgames.iwdee-ios
- Content Rating12+
- LanguagesEnglish (1) See all
- Initial release2014-11-08
What's New in the Latest Version 2.5.17
This app has been updated by Apple to display the Apple Watch app icon.
The Lance of Disruption spell projectile is now distinguishable from Alicorn Lance.
If a party member is dead the game should not crash after captive villagers leave.
In Trials of the Luremaster, the Magic Mouth should open if the required skulls have been obtained.
In the Heart of Winter, it should be possible to enter the boathouse in Lonelywood.
In multiplayer, games should not crash while on the arbitration screen.
It should be possible to sell a quantity greater than one of rings or similar equipment from a container.
The iOS Export Character UI should use the Icewind Dale Character Extension.
In the iOS multiplayer, a player’s party members dying should not cause the other player’s game to hang.
You should not be able to dual-class if the requirements are not met.
Restoring the Elven Shrine quest should show as a completed quest when finished.
Result of single combat with Presio should not be said by party leader.
Color choices sliders should not lag when dragged.
In iOS multiplayer, the title should not become unresponsive and crash when starting the dictation mode while entering a password protected session.
The ranger spell version of Minor Spell Deflection should use icons from wizard spell of the same name.
New Priest of Tempus dialogue should not play in English for languages with localized audio.
In the Italian voiceover, Attack Sound 3 of the “Female Mage 4” soundset should match its text.
Italian voiceover should not be missing for Heart of Winter player soundsets.
Turkish text should not be different if the party leader is female.
Icewind Dale APK Version History
Below is a list of APK file versions for Icewind Dale. Please note that download links for each version might not be available, or only accessible after the developer's approval.
If you need help downloading specific version APK files, visit the Icewind Dale forum.