Ici par France Bleu & France 3 is a news app developed by Radio France. The latest update (v16.60), released on <em>March 17, 2024</em>, includes fixes and new features, and has been rated 4.81 out of 5 stars based on 501 reviews. Ici par France Bleu & France 3 is <em>FREE</em> to download. The app is compatible with iOS 15.0+ and Android 14 or newer.

ici par France Bleu & France 3

ici par France Bleu & France 3 icon

Genre: News

Ratings: 4.81

Version: 16.6.0

Updated 17/03/24

Downloads: 110

Ici par France Bleu & France 3 is a news app developed by Radio France. The latest update (v16.60), released on March 17, 2024, includes fixes and new features, and has been rated 4.81 out of 5 stars based on 501 reviews. Ici par France Bleu & France 3 is FREE to download. The app is compatible with iOS 15.0+ and Android 14 or newer.

What is Ici par France Bleu & France 3 app?

France Bleu et France 3 se réunissent pour vous proposer le meilleur de la vie locale dans une seule application mobile Avec la nouvelle application ici, retrouvez toute l’actualité autour de chez vous par les rédactions de France Bleu et France 3 : société, politique, insolite, faits divers, santé, environnement… Vous pouvez également écouter les directs de votre radio locale France Bleu et de votre antenne régionale France 3.
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Download Ici par France Bleu & France 3 for PC/Mac

Ready to enjoy Ici par France Bleu & France 3 on your PC or Mac? Download the latest APK file version (16.60), which requires 189 MB of free space. Follow our guide using the recommended emulator, Bluestacks, for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For help downloading or installing the Ici par France Bleu & France 3 app, visit our forums.

Reviews on Ici par France Bleu & France 3 for iOS

★★★★★ Pour les étudiants et pédagogues de la belle langue et sa culture, et les francophiles
This application (also available as Radio France and also under its other stations) is a great tool to connect with today's France. All of the public stations are available with this app. The prompts and option names are presented in English if your iPhone's language is such, so there's no need to run to a dictionary if you aren't familiar with French computer terms. Teachers, I encourage you to load this app on your iPad or iPhone and use it as a part of your curriculum.
★★★★★ So upset!!
What happened can no longer listen to France Bleu Armorique!! Use to work great..Plz, fix it!! :(((
★★★★★ Ariel Delgado
Je suis un Cubain qui a vécu dans les Landes à Mont de Marsan dans un période de 9 ans et en 2009 j’ai déménagé à Miami, depuis que j’ai découvert France Bleu sur le net ça m’a rapproché à ce coin de la France que j’aime tant. Merci France Bleu.
★★★★☆ Add Song Tittles SVP
Hello! I would’ve given 5 stars and I will eventually because I absolutely ADORE this app. It’s very well put together and all, but since I speak English I never really know the songs that they are putting on. So, if the radio showed which songs they were playing that would be AWESOME!!!!!!! Thank you, Merci, Au revoir
★★★★★ Beautiful job and great Radio station ,keep the good work.I will be writing in francais
Next time Mercy
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