IMoodJournal - Mood Diary is a lifestyle app developed by Inexika. The last update, v4.10, released on June 23, 2021, and it’s rated 4.42 out of 5 based on the latest 168 reviews. IMoodJournal - Mood Diary costs $2.99 and requires iOS 12.0+ and Android 11 or newer to download.
Mood Journal and Tracking Tool
Video: IMoodJournal Overview
This beautiful app is an ultimate journal, personal diary and mood charting tool. It can track not only mood, but anything you like: sleep, medication, symptoms, stress and anxiety, energy level, cycles, etc.
Want to enjoy IMoodJournal - Mood Diary on your desktop? Download the latest APK (4.10, 63 MB) or choose your preferred version, and follow our Bluestacks emulator guide for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For any assistance with downloading or installing APK files, feel free to visit our forums!
User Reviews and Ratings
★★★★☆Stopped giving notifications
Great app, but it doesn’t give notifications anymore no matter what I try.
★★☆☆☆Needs some UI fixes
For those who are colorblind the entry screen and stats may be tougher to use. I’m partially red-green colorblind and although I can see the choices I can tell that someone with more deficiency would have a problem.
The app needs to do automatic backup instead of constantly interrupting me to do a backup.
★★★★★Love it but want multiple users
Love this app, used it for 2 kids. So if I look at the history you see my stepdaughter then years later, my son. I wish I could enter who it’s for. Anyway it’s sweet to look back and see the pictures of them growing up and when they were happy or sad.
★★★★★Best app- the simplest ones always are
Been using this app since 2019 and have to say, it’s the only journaling app I have been able to keep up with. It’s a one time app purchase leading to perfect mood tracking without added stress of monthly fees. It’s simplistic nature also allows for complete customization that works for you. I set up a template of questions and hashtags that I answer/fill out at least once a day. I always include a picture to capture a moment of reflection to later appreciate where I was, and where I am today. T
★★★★☆Love iMood!
I love this app! I’ve been using it since 2018 to track my mental health. It’s been wonderful to help me understand my natural rhythms through the day, week, and different seasons.
My only complaint is that it seems like it’s no longer being updated, otherwise I’d give it 5 Stars.