InstaTrack: Metrics & Analysis is a social networking app developed by Vibrain LLC. The last update, v1.20, released on May 18, 2022, and it’s rated 4.06 out of 5 based on the latest 889 reviews. InstaTrack: Metrics & Analysis is FREE and requires iOS 13.0+ and Android 12 or newer to download.
Monitor your daily performance
InstaTrack is the fastest and most accurate way to analyze your account and gain valuable insights about your audience and key performance metrics. Track your followers, unfollowers, likes.
How to Use InstaTrack: Metrics & Analysis on Your PC or Mac
Want to enjoy InstaTrack: Metrics & Analysis on your desktop? Download the latest APK (1.20, 73 MB) or choose your preferred version, and follow our Bluestacks emulator guide for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For any assistance with downloading or installing APK files, feel free to visit our forums!
User Reviews and Ratings
★★★★★Good app
The app not only helps you track your followers and engagement, but also provides suggested content to share on your account.
★★★★★Really a great metrics and useful app
The interface is easy to use and the analytics are straightforward. I would recọmmend this app to anyone looking to grow their following!
★★★★★Great UI easy to navigate
InstaTrack: Metrics & Analysis: Instagram is a great way to measure your growth on the social media platform.
★★★★★In love with this app!!!!!
App provides detailed analytics on your account, including the number of followers, likes, and cọmments. It also has a dashboard that shows how many posts you've had in the last 24 hours.
★★★★★Very happy with the experience of this best tool
I am a big fan of InstaTrack's Metrics and Analysis: Instagram. It is a great way to see who has been liking your posts, how many people have seen your post, and what other people are posting about.