JustWatch - Movies & TV Shows is an entertainment app developed by JustWatch GmbH. The last update, v24.35, released on August 30, 2024, and it’s rated 4.72 out of 5 based on the latest 23.1K reviews. JustWatch - Movies & TV Shows is FREE and requires iOS 13.4+ and Android 12.4 or newer to download.
The Streaming Guide
Video: JustWatch Overview
The Ultimate Streaming Guide for Movies and TV. Find out what to watch and where to watch it.
Want to enjoy JustWatch - Movies & TV Shows on your desktop? Download the latest APK (24.35, 86 MB) or choose your preferred version, and follow our Bluestacks emulator guide for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For any assistance with downloading or installing APK files, feel free to visit our forums!
User Reviews and Ratings
Now in days there a 2 types of shows that people are watching and you guys HAVE TO BE ON POINT for this because the fans and community’s are huge and is ISEKAI AND SLICE OF LIFE. Put top 10 or best shows all the filters is for your benefit to so more people can use your app but you have to be on point with more apps of anime.
★★★★★Thank You!
I was looking for a Korean film, Ox Head Village with English Subtitles, no one had it with subtitles. Just in Korean, Audio.. just watch , helped me locate a copy on tubi which I have! Great App!
Can’t export watch lists to Excel document or login to app via Android if signed up with Apple Account.
Edit: most recent update is glitched and has some purple bar at the bottom with weird settings. Unable to view my list anymore….
★★★★★So easy to find where your show is playing
Not like back in the day when you could find everything on three channels 😂😂Now I cant hardly keep track of all the shows and where they’re playing but this app is great for that information.
★★★★★So helpful
It’s a great way to track what and where the movies I want to watch can be seen, and for the cheapest price.