Lemmings: Strategy & Puzzle Version History


Delve into the extensive archive of Lemmings: Strategy & Puzzle APK versions, featuring detailed notes and compatibility information for each of the 9 version histories collected since Aug 5, 2024. This page is dedicated to fans looking to explore the evolution of Lemmings: Strategy & Puzzle.

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What's New in the Latest Version 7.30.1

Creatorverse Changes
- You now have the option to share a link directly to your custom levels.
- When abandoning an active level, you will receive a warning pop-up to prevent accidentally leaving.
- Improved the recommended energy calculations for levels in the Creatorverse to be more accurate.
- Medium and higher energy Creatorverse levels now count towards the Reward Rocket.

Creatorverse Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where the Share ID on levels was cut off on devices with curved corners.
- Fixed an issue where the selection box lags behind during Level Creation.
- Fixed an issue where retrying a level during validation would return the player to the level creator.
- Fixed an issue where Creatorverse levels would inherit random portals from Universe levels.
- Fixed an issue where the Bookmarks view would load a blank screen if you had 31 or more levels bookmarked.
- Fixed an issue where levels from previous tabs would appear in the bookmarks tab when applying a filter.
- Fixed an issue where the report button was greyed out even when no reports were made.
- Fixed an issue where the Creatorverse appeared locked after tapping the energy icon.
- Fixed an issue where the level editor becomes unresponsive when purchasing gold to upload a level and then not uploading the level.

Bug Fixes
- Fixed several crashes throughout the game
- Fixed crashes specific to the Samsung S24 series of phones
- Fixed several UI errors across the game, including overlapping icons, missing fonts, and missing text.
- Fixed an issue where levels without designated color entrances but with designated exits did not display a bar for lemmings of each color.
- Fixed an issue where Glider Lemmings could remain alive after a level failure.
- Fixed issue where all other players in tournaments appeared as Lemming McLemming.
- Fixed an issue where placing a dig instruction under stairs being built next to a portal would cause the instruction to fail.
- Fixed an issue where the tournament icon did not fade when offline or without an internet connection, unlike other icons.
- Fixed an issue where lasers entering a random portal would not appear or function.
- Fixed an issue where the blocker did not function correctly when placed on a bridge.
- Fixed an issue where some Creatorverse levels were either crashing devices or not starting correctly.
- Fixed an issue where some laser traps where not of the correct type
- Fixed an issue where the tournament icon was displaying an incorrect rank

Lemmings: Strategy & Puzzle APK Version History

Below is a list of APK file versions for Lemmings: Strategy & Puzzle. Please note that download links for each version might not be available, or only accessible after the developer's approval.

Lemmings: Strategy & Puzzle v7.30.1
Lemmings: Strategy & Puzzle v7.1.2
Bug fixes and performance updates
Lemmings: Strategy & Puzzle v6.8.1
Bug fixes and performance updates
Lemmings: Strategy & Puzzle v6.7.3
Bug fixes and performance updates
Lemmings: Strategy & Puzzle v6.51
Bug fixes and performance updates
Lemmings: Strategy & Puzzle v6.32
Bug fixes and performance updates
Lemmings: Strategy & Puzzle v6.10
Bug fixes and performance updates
Lemmings: Strategy & Puzzle v5.60
Thanks for playing! In this update, we resolve a crash bug that impacted a small number of our players, as well as improving performance optimization for some devices.
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Lemmings: Strategy & Puzzle v4.81
Bug fixes and improvements.
Lemmings: Strategy & Puzzle v3.9
Missed us? We're back! With more new features than ever before, including: - Mayhem Mode! - A brand new mode which remixes challenge levels with tough new rules and modifiers.
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If you need help downloading specific version APK files, visit the Lemmings: Strategy & Puzzle forum.