Lunar Silver Star Story Touch

Published by SoMoGa, Inc. on Sep 20, 2012
Lunar Silver Star Story Touch icon

Genre: Adventure

Ratings: 4.59

Version: 3.3.0

Updated: Aug 06, 2024

Downloads: 3,154

Lunar Silver Star Story Touch is an adventure entertainment game developed by SoMoGa. The last update, v3.30, released on August 06, 2024, and it’s rated 4.59 out of 5 based on the latest 803 reviews. Lunar Silver Star Story Touch costs $9.99 and requires iOS 13.0+ and Android 12 or newer to download.

Lunar Silver Star Story Touch Gameplay Overview


Long ago, a great Dragonmaster named Dyne, with the aid of his faithful companions, defended the goddess Althena from a terrible evil.
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How to Play Lunar Silver Star Story Touch on PC or Mac

Want to enjoy Lunar Silver Star Story Touch on your desktop? Download the latest APK (3.30, 1 GB) or choose your preferred version, and follow our Bluestacks emulator guide for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For any assistance with downloading or installing APK files, feel free to visit our forums!

Version: 3.2.0
Version: 3.0.10

User Reviews and Ratings

★★★★★ Great Game!
I’ve been playing this game one some form since 1991 on my Sega CD. It’s my all time favorite game! Probably over 300 play throughs. The PS1 versions are the pinnacle of the two Lunar games but this port from the GBA is pretty darn close to the PS1. The characters are amazing, happy, mad and sad feelings all abound in this game. Just buy it. It’s a great great game and story!
★★★★★ Great Retro JRPG
Just a solid, retro, and great RPG. Never played the original but this was was pretty cool. Story is a little blah but game is good if you like the old style RPGs.
★★★★☆ A near perfect port of a forgotten treasure
I have loved this series since it was released on the SegaCD in the early nineties. But the version released on the PS1 was head and shoulders above the original. This port is an almost perfect recreation of the PS1 game, including good (but I’m almost positive, different) voice acting and the original music score. My only real complaint is the controls. The started out great, but this last update made them a little wonky. If you’ve played it, you know what I mean. Fix that, and 5 stars you sh
★★★★☆ I am pleased but disappointed with the script/songs
I haven’t played much of this remastered version of this game, but I have deep nostalgia for this game and the songs in it. I was so excited as the opening scene started to play and then immediately bewildered by the lyric changes. I can look past the changes and different voice actors, I just wish I understood why the songs were changed so drastically.
★★★☆☆ Please Fix Buttons
The buttons have disappeared and makes the game difficult to play. You can still interact in the over world but during battle there is no back button, so if you make a mistake you can’t go back on it, and if you go to say the item bag for a character and they have no usuable items in battle, you can’t go back and have to restart the app, which restarts the whole battle. Makes it really annoying for bosses
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