Make Expression - Face puzzle

Published by FTY LLC. on Jul 02, 2021
Make Expression - Face puzzle icon

Genre: Puzzle

Ratings: 4.58

Version: 1.2.7

Updated: Jan 16, 2024

Downloads: 586

Make Expression - Face puzzle is a puzzle entertainment game developed by FTY LLC. The last update, v1.20, released on January 16, 2024, and it’s rated 4.58 out of 5 based on the latest 12.3K reviews. Make Expression - Face puzzle is FREE and requires iOS 12.0+ and Android 11 or newer to download.

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Make Expression Gameplay Overview


Manipulate the arrows that appear on your face! Funerals, dates, weddings... what do you look like in these situations? This is a game to make the right expression for the scene!
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How to Play Make Expression on PC or Mac

Want to enjoy Make Expression - Face puzzle on your desktop? Download the latest APK (1.20, 581 MB) or choose your preferred version, and follow our Bluestacks emulator guide for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For any assistance with downloading or installing APK files, feel free to visit our forums!

Version: 1.2.1
Version: 1.1.0

User Reviews and Ratings

★★★★☆ Play now
is fun and funny i like the way you can choose a way to move around ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨😃 so so much fun 🤩
★★★★★ Not worth it
You get an add every second and I only gave it a five so that you guys can see this comment! When she was doing her passport it told me to make her frown but I made her happy instead for her passport photo but then it said LEVEL FAILED so then I had to make her FROWN THIS GAME IS AWFUL
★★☆☆☆ Bro idk
Now, don’t get me wrong, it’s a great game but the expressions are getting crazy. There is one where you are cornered by a killer, and my person isn’t in shock, but, looks more calm then terrified! It’s all unnatural. Another thing I don’t appreciate is the fact that there is one expression that I’ve done more than anything, this game would be better if YOU got to choose. Call me crazy and picky but that’s my opinion, and this is coming from a ten year old who snuck my mom’s phone.
★★★★★ :3
Yes. Funny face haha
★★☆☆☆ Okay game
So i saw if on an ad so I downloaded it and I played the first level but it was so hard to move the buttons. Like I couldn’t chance the expression unless I smacked my screen I sat there on the first level for like 15 minutes because I couldn’t move the buttons.
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