Manor Matters Version History


Delve into the extensive archive of Manor Matters APK versions, featuring detailed notes and compatibility information for each of the 8 version histories collected since Aug 28, 2024. This page is dedicated to fans looking to explore the evolution of Manor Matters.

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What's New in the Latest Version 5.2.0

An exciting update is just around the corner!

A mysterious stranger begs Carl for help! A fearsome creature has cursed her family, and now it's after her too. You're the only one who can save the day!

Two children go missing in an abandoned park on Halloween. Carl rushes to find them, unaware that a sinister spirit is already waiting for him…

Have fun playing!
The Manor Matters Team

Manor Matters APK Version History

Below is a list of APK file versions for Manor Matters. Please note that download links for each version might not be available, or only accessible after the developer's approval.

Manor Matters v5.2.0
Manor Matters v4.6.0
Adventures await! - Amelia was turned into an ice statue! Help Carl melt her Heart of Ice in the new event.
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Manor Matters v4.2.0
Long time no see! Secrets, investigations, and incredible mysteries await you in the latest update! - Carl and Mr.
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Manor Matters v3.8.1
Delve into a romantic atmosphere with our latest update! - Amelia would love to have an unforgettable date with Carl! You can make that happen by turning the Rockville Observatory into a Romantic Observatory!
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Manor Matters v3.5.0
An amazing update has arrived! - Create a beautiful Japanese garden together with an unusual assistant in the new Robot Season! - Have fun building your own pavilion at the Fun Fair!
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Manor Matters v3.1.0
A fresh, spring update is here!<br> - Don
Manor Matters v2.8.0
A creepy new update is here! - Get ready for Halloween! Decorate Castlewood with Halloween items in a new Spooky Story event!
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Manor Matters v2.3.0
Here comes a spectacular update! - Renovate Carl's bedroom in a new event and keep the room forever! - New search modes await you.
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Manor Matters v2.0.0
Introducing an amazing update!<br> <br> New search scenes are already here

If you need help downloading specific version APK files, visit the Manor Matters forum.