Matchington Mansion Version History

Magic Tavern, Inc.

Delve into the extensive archive of Matchington Mansion APK versions, featuring detailed notes and compatibility information for each of the 9 version histories collected since Sep 8, 2024. This page is dedicated to fans looking to explore the evolution of Matchington Mansion.

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    English (13) See all
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What's New in the Latest Version 1.165.0

Lareina proposes that she and Rex compete against everyone else during the Community Center’s renovations. Tiffany and her friends talk it over and decide to give it their all! Rex has some shockingly good ideas while Lareina watches cooly from the sidelines. What kind of secret does she have up her sleeve? Join us to find out!

-New Room: Estate Community Center Part 1
-New Event: Sailing Toward Success
-New Theme Season Event: Boho Chic

Matchington Mansion APK Version History

Below is a list of APK file versions for Matchington Mansion. Please note that download links for each version might not be available, or only accessible after the developer's approval.

Matchington Mansion v1.165.0
Matchington Mansion v1.149.0
Everyone knows the stress of having a guest come to visit. The crew has quickly moved on to sprucing up the Guest Suite with Dhalia in mind.
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Matchington Mansion v1.139.0
It’s late summer, which means heavy rain is on its way! However, everyone at the Estate is enjoying the calm before the storm. The gang unearths a strange, coded scrapbook.
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Matchington Mansion v1.129.0
Who is that hiding in the bamboo? A new visitor has shown up at the mansion searching for tasty treats. Join Tiffany and the gang in welcoming him to his new home!
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Matchington Mansion v1.120.0
Set a course to Rover
Matchington Mansion v1.110.4
Matchington Mansion v1.99.0
There's something fun going on in the new Undersea Lab! Check it out, decorate, and uncover the mystery along the way while enjoying 51 new levels!
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Matchington Mansion v1.87.0
Decorate the new show stopper Outdoor Cinema. Play 51 exciting new levels to unlock even more winterful decorations in the Ice Lounge Part 3! - New Room Event: Outdoor Cinema!
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Matchington Mansion v1.76.0
Ghosts and ghouls are dying to visit your Spooktacular Mansion this year! Fix up the famous Summit Cafe while investing clues left by a mysterious intruder! Play 48 of our best levels yet!
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Matchington Mansion v1.63.4
Fixed known bugs!

If you need help downloading specific version APK files, visit the Matchington Mansion forum.