Matrix Music Visualizer VR is a music app developed by Benjamin Outram. The last update, v2.20, released on December 04, 2019, and it’s rated 2.62 out of 5 based on the latest 13 reviews. Matrix Music Visualizer VR costs $1.99 and requires iOS 9.1+ and Android 8.1 or newer to download.
Video: Matrix Music Visualizer VR Overview
Finally a music visualizer that actually works! Experience your music like never before with immersive full 3D interactive synesthesia music visualization!
How to Use Matrix Music Visualizer VR on Your PC or Mac
Want to enjoy Matrix Music Visualizer VR on your desktop? Download the latest APK (2.20, 87 MB) or choose your preferred version, and follow our Bluestacks emulator guide for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For any assistance with downloading or installing APK files, feel free to visit our forums!
User Reviews and Ratings
★★★★★Great App
Does exactly what it says. Really nice looking app!
★★☆☆☆The free version visualizes to other apps
My subject pretty much sums it up. If I cannot use a visualizer app to go with one of my DJ apps then it is no use to me hardly at all. So it's a nice app but I paid money for this app because I thought I would do the same things that the free app does. However, the free app allows me to play a separate audio app and use the visuals from the MatrixFree app. But the paid for VR app does not allow you to use audio from a different app. Support other audio apps. Especially the DJAY apps.
★★★★☆Nyce Psych Vysualyzer
Great for LedZep! Be even greater to have a shuffle mode for music playlist and a shuffle mode for visuals themself rather than to have to change them manually. With that, MatrixVR will certainly be at Top!
★★★★★Having A Playdate With Your Brain
The visualizations are the most incredible I've seen in this type of app...whatta psychedelic treat! Even "Tiger Boo" would be mind-blowing playing through this. Spot on with reactions to rhythm, highs, lows and overall match to songs no matter the genre.
★★★☆☆Good when it works
Worked great the first couple of times I used it, but it seems to have decided I’m using a free version and won’t let me play my own music. Frustrating: