LUDUS・Strategy RPG Merge Arena is a role playing entertainment game developed by Mergegames. The last update, v1.15, released on September 18, 2024, and it’s rated 4.83 out of 5 based on the latest 4.6K reviews. LUDUS・Strategy RPG Merge Arena is FREE and requires iOS 12.0+ and Android 11 or newer to download.
Clash, conquer, win, prevail!
LUDUS・Strategy RPG Merge Arena Gameplay Overview
Warriors! Welcome to LUDUS - a realm of clans, magic, armies and mayhem! Collect units, assemble a deck for defense and get ready for a PvP game full of action, adventure and endless fun!
How to Play LUDUS・Strategy RPG Merge Arena on PC or Mac
Want to enjoy LUDUS・Strategy RPG Merge Arena on your desktop? Download the latest APK (1.15, 281 MB) or choose your preferred version, and follow our Bluestacks emulator guide for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For any assistance with downloading or installing APK files, feel free to visit our forums!
User Reviews and Ratings
★★★★★Well played
OK, you guys actually made a match puzzle game fun and challenging! I mean how - you know what, it doesn’t matter how. This game is freaking genius. NO FORCED ADS!!! a little heavy on the pay to advance, but free players can still have fun if you’re not looking to get to the top of the pay board (leaderboard). Every match is an actual LIVE player and every match is different. It really comes down to a little luck and a little strategy but you don’t have to mash buttons to win.
Thank you for fig
You want a game that you will like but also makes you wanna punch a mega gigantic hole in your wall! This is the game. The faction hero’s make no sense, you’d be losing and the enemy hero come back to life 3-4 times and yours only come back like once
★★☆☆☆Don’t download
Terrible gaming mechanics!
★★☆☆☆The bugs make it almost unplayable
My characters will get randomly charmed when the enemy has NO characters that cast a charm spell. Sometimes it’s my strongest character that gets RANDOMLY charmed and kills half of my team before it changes back. And what’s worse is even after my character is no longer randomly charmed it’ll still attack my other characters for a moment before switching back to my enemies. The gameplay is mostly fun but that bug alone makes the game INCREDIBLY frustrating
Also people LOVE to waste time in tourn
★★★★★How do Match pairing Algorithms Work
I Don’t know if they’ll see this but I hope they do. I don’t understand how all of the sudden this week I’ve been fighting players who are overall 50%-70% stronger than me dropping my winning percentage from 74% to 55% for example right now my Overall power is 473% I just lost to somebody who’s overall was 543% why are we even playing each other the gap in power is major the only way you win is if the right players come out when you need them to so hopefully you get more Super Merge Characters t