Microphone Voice Recorder-Pro is a music app developed by Arpenik Katikyan. The latest update (v9.30), released on <em>March 18, 2024</em>, includes fixes and new features, and has been rated 4.61 out of 5 stars based on 4.6K reviews. Microphone Voice Recorder-Pro is <em>FREE</em> to download. The app is compatible with iOS 12.0+ and Android 11 or newer.

Microphone Voice Recorder-Pro

Microphone Voice Recorder-Pro icon

Genre: Music

Ratings: 4.61

Version: 9.3.3

Updated 18/03/24

Downloads: 176

Audio Memos,Sound editor,Mic

Microphone Voice Recorder-Pro is a music app developed by Arpenik Katikyan. The latest update (v9.30), released on March 18, 2024, includes fixes and new features, and has been rated 4.61 out of 5 stars based on 4.6K reviews. Microphone Voice Recorder-Pro is FREE to download. The app is compatible with iOS 12.0+ and Android 11 or newer.

What is Microphone Voice Recorder-Pro app?

Mobile recording studio in your hands. Use your device as real microphone to record and edit any sound you want. ◆ THIS SOUND STUDIO INCLUDES: • Various microphones with original sound and specifications
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Promo Codes and In-App Purchases

Currently, there are no promo codes available. However, you can still get cool items like the 'Access to Dictaphone,Voice amp' ($5.99), 'Premium Microphone & Recorder' ($9.99), and more through in-app purchases.

App available in other languages

Download Microphone Voice Recorder-Pro for PC/Mac

Ready to enjoy Microphone Voice Recorder-Pro on your PC or Mac? Download the latest APK file version (9.30), which requires 136 MB of free space. Follow our guide using the recommended emulator, Bluestacks, for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For help downloading or installing the Microphone Voice Recorder-Pro app, visit our forums.

Reviews on Microphone Voice Recorder-Pro for iOS

★★★★★ ❤️❤️❤️
★★★★☆ Decent.
I wish (and maybe you can with premium) you could change your voice in different ways. I still love using this app though. Thank you!!!
★★★★★ I don’t care about you
This is the best
★★★★★ How do I
How do I make more than one
★★★★☆ Nice!
Seems like a really good source to test out mics for recording b4 you purchase an expensive one, I mean, also it’s great to just use some of these mics 4 recording!Slone13
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