Voice Recorder,Screen Recorder is a productivity app developed by Milad Fakhr. The last update, v4.60, released on June 06, 2024, and it’s rated 4.46 out of 5 based on the latest 181 reviews. Voice Recorder,Screen Recorder is FREE and requires iOS 17.0+ and Android 16 or newer to download.
Voice Memo , Screen Recorder
Video: Voice Recorder,Screen Recorder Overview
. Voice Recorder
+ Storing recording both in raw and mp3 , AAC, M4A , WAV formats
+ Record Timer & Playback Counter
+ Auto File Naming
How to Use Voice Recorder,Screen Recorder on Your PC or Mac
Want to enjoy Voice Recorder,Screen Recorder on your desktop? Download the latest APK (4.60, 11 MB) or choose your preferred version, and follow our Bluestacks emulator guide for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For any assistance with downloading or installing APK files, feel free to visit our forums!
User Reviews and Ratings
★★★☆☆Not for iPad Air 2
Actually 2.5 stars. Although this app works with my iPhone 6+, the mail link never activates when using my iPad Air 2 making it useless to email an mp3 with my tablet. The guys at the Genius Bar informed me that the iPad is fine and the problem lies with the app.
★★★★★Good Quality
I am amazed by the quality in voice recording, Good Job. Thanks
★★★★★Voice recorder , screen recorder app
Voice recorder , screen recorder is an application on a iPhone really nice record quality with many options and many details in everything .
★★★★★Love this app more & more!
Have been happily using this app for years on multiple devices. Especially use it for recording birds & insects outside. On current iPhone 10R it is phenomenal. Just made amazing recording of bees on asters in my garden, which borders on a busy street. Unbelievable sound! Holding mic end close to flowers, recorded buzzing totally overwhelms sounds of passing cars.
★★★☆☆Voice recorder works but NOT screen recorder
Voice recorder works great! Unfortunately, I am unable to use the screen recorder option within this app! Each time I try to use screen recorder option this app doesn’t come up in my list of programs that I have to select for screen recording. Therefore, I am unable to select it in order to use it. This is very disappointing to me since this was an app that I purchased. I also tried contacting customer support but only to no avail. I hope they will eventually resolve this issue as it would be gr