My Singing Monsters Composer Version History

Big Blue Bubble

Delve into the extensive archive of My Singing Monsters Composer APK versions, featuring detailed notes and compatibility information for each of the 10 version histories collected since Jul 2, 2024. This page is dedicated to fans looking to explore the evolution of My Singing Monsters Composer.

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    English (8) See all
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What's New in the Latest Version 2.0.1

We've made some changes to improve your playing experience. Thanks for playing and Happy Monstering!

My Singing Monsters Composer APK Version History

Below is a list of APK file versions for My Singing Monsters Composer. Please note that download links for each version might not be available, or only accessible after the developer's approval.

My Singing Monsters Composer v2.0.1
My Singing Monsters Composer v1.3.0
By popular demand, there's now a 'Mon' for all seasons! Everyone's favorite Core Seasonals from My Singing Monsters - Punkleton, Yool, Schmoochle, Blabbit and Hoola - have unlocked the hidden gateway to Composer Stage.
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My Singing Monsters Composer v1.2.1
We've made some changes to improve your playing experience. Thanks for playing and Happy Monstering!
My Singing Monsters Composer v1.2.0
They're creepy, cute, squishy, spooky, and out-of-this-world: they're Ethereals! All 15 vocal and instrumental Ethereals from My Singing Monsters have warped their way into My Singing Monsters Composer, along with a new Ethereal Island sample song.
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My Singing Monsters Composer v1.1.0
Eureka! We've improved our localization support for French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and Turkish, AND we've added Russian too!
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My Singing Monsters Composer v1.0.9
Even though music is already the universal language, we're introducing even more language support for My Singing Monsters Composer! You can now play in French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and Turkish.
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My Singing Monsters Composer v1.0.8
We've made some changes to improve your playing experience. Thanks for playing and Happy Monstering!
My Singing Monsters Composer v1.0.6
Craving more instrumental sounds to add to your Monstrously fun compositions? Then get ready for Rare Monsters!
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My Singing Monsters Composer v1.0.5
“Dip” your toes into the first major update to My Singing Monsters Composer, featuring your favorite one-note wonders: The Dipsters!
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My Singing Monsters Composer v1.0.4
“Dip” your toes into the first major update to My Singing Monsters Composer, featuring your favorite one-note wonders: The Dipsters!
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My Singing Monsters Composer v1.0.3
Big Blue Bubble has taken steps to ensure that this title is in compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
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If you need help downloading specific version APK files, visit the My Singing Monsters Composer forum.