Nimian Legends: BrightRidge HD is a role playing adventure game developed by Robert Kabwe. The last update, v8.10, released on October 09, 2018, and it’s rated 4.42 out of 5 based on the latest 153 reviews. Nimian Legends: BrightRidge HD costs $3.99 and requires iOS 8.0+ and Android 7 or newer to download.
Open World Fantasy Adventure
Nimian Legends: BrightRidge HD Gameplay Overview
Run, swim and fly through glistening waterfalls and rivers, overgrown forests, sky-high mountains and ancient dungeons.
How to Play Nimian Legends: BrightRidge HD on PC or Mac
Want to enjoy Nimian Legends: BrightRidge HD on your desktop? Download the latest APK (8.10, 408 MB) or choose your preferred version, and follow our Bluestacks emulator guide for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For any assistance with downloading or installing APK files, feel free to visit our forums!
This guy makes the most beautiful, relaxing casual games. Better than big name company games. Thank you!
★★★★★Beautiful game that a 4 year old can play
This is one of the few big world where my 4 year old child can play. She can't read yet, but she is able to follow the markers that guides her where to go next. I love this idea! There aren't many grand games that a child can play. Highly recommended for parents!
★★★★☆Interesting 👏
Took a while to get the hang of the moving around part , but in all good little adventure pretty great job Rob !! Tnx 🫶🏼👍❤️
★★★★★Seriously lol
I understand people want money but the way you went about it is kinda deceiving the buyers for 3$ you could of made it a 2hrs game play. It was less then 20mins of action not bad though your a intriguing developer but with all the others out there, I don’t doubt your give them a run for the money. I played love&tin will check out the other one a later time. But keep at it thumbs up