Octagon 1: Maximal Challenge is a casual action game developed by Lukas Korba. The last update, v3.20, released on October 07, 2019, and it’s rated 4.22 out of 5 based on the latest 520 reviews. Octagon 1: Maximal Challenge costs $1.99 and requires iOS 9.0+ and Android 8 or newer to download.
Octagon 1: Maximal Challenge Gameplay Overview
You are trapped inside the Octagon, a megaplex of hallways, platforms, and gaps—and the clock is running.
How to Play Octagon 1: Maximal Challenge on PC or Mac
Want to enjoy Octagon 1: Maximal Challenge on your desktop? Download the latest APK (3.20, 28 MB) or choose your preferred version, and follow our Bluestacks emulator guide for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For any assistance with downloading or installing APK files, feel free to visit our forums!
This is currently my favorite game!!! I would really like it if on classic mode my best could be saved instead of lost every time I switch apps. But other than that this game is great.
★★★☆☆bottom swipe brings up iPhone control
This is a little too difficult to plan on the iPhone small screen format. Sorry that's why Bottom swiping doesn't cut it
★★★★★Fun and addictive
I didn't have the control issues that some people mentioned, but I play on an iPad and there's more space to work with. Level 18 and still having fun!
I downloaded this as a free app on the App Store, and once I started it, I realized I would have payed $4.00 for it. One, I love the randomly generated levels, because it makes memorizing the map impossible, and yet still is fun. Two, endless mode is very relaxing, and good when you want to do a longer run. One suggestion I have is to put more than one try a day at the daily challenge.
I was in level 55 and very addicted to the game , the next morning it took me back to level 32 on my laptop. On my phone, it made me restart from level 1, after going through all the time to be at such a high level. This also happened to my friend who was in level 34 and the game made her start over from level 1. Amazing game but fix that glitch .