One Deck Dungeon is a card board game developed by Handelabra Studio LLC. The last update, v1.60, released on October 02, 2023, and it’s rated 4.31 out of 5 based on the latest 154 reviews. One Deck Dungeon costs $6.99 and requires iOS 13.7+ and Android 12.7 or newer to download.
Roll the dice for adventure!
One Deck Dungeon Gameplay Overview
“As we’ve come to expect from Handelabra, the digital version is flawless.” - David Neumann,
“One Deck Dungeon offers a wealth of strategic gameplay.” - Christian Valentin,
“A surprisingly deep dungeon crawler with vital decisions to be made at every turn.” -
Want to enjoy One Deck Dungeon on your desktop? Download the latest APK (1.60, 302 MB) or choose your preferred version, and follow our Bluestacks emulator guide for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For any assistance with downloading or installing APK files, feel free to visit our forums!
This game had a great concept, but was frustrating in practice.
Over and over, you end up with low-value dice going to waste because the board is full of high-value boxes that you can’t fill.
Granted, that waste is probably built into the design of the game, but for people with Completionist tendencies, it becomes infuriating and unfun after a while.
I’m sure others have loved it, but it fell short for me.
★★☆☆☆Worst game
At first look seems cool but after buying all the dlc I came to realize that this game isn’t fun first off the dice rolls are skewed more towards the worst results and then the bosses are extremely way too challenging. I do not recommend this game unless you like endless hours of frustration
★★☆☆☆Glad I bought the game…
I’ve been debating getting the physical copy of One Deck Dungeon, so when I saw it was available on iOS, I jumped at the chance to buy it.
I’m glad I did. I now know that I’m NOT going to buy the physical copy. It might be the the simple animation or the complicated mechanics, but I do not enjoy this game. Maybe I will pick up the physical copy one day, but I will have to play it first.
★★★★★iPhone X support please!
Though the dice can be brutal, One Deck Dungeon offers the kinds of challenges and choices that keep me coming back (in large part because it is not as time-consuming as other board or card games). This version is the latest gem from Handelabra, the team that brought us Sentinels of the Multiverse, which is phenomenal and has enjoyed years of continued support. Thanks, Handelabra, for another polished title that performs flawlessly. These are the iOS developers that we should support. Now, when
★★★☆☆not a card or deck builder
More of a random dice rolling strategy RPG game. Not sure why it’s listed under deck builder