OverDrive 2.6

Published by Digital Dream Labs LLC on May 28, 2020
OverDrive 2.6 icon

Genre: Racing

Ratings: 2.85

Version: 2.6.10

Updated: Oct 01, 2021

Downloads: 2,958

OverDrive 2.6 is a racing game developed by Digital Dream Labs LLC. The last update, v2.60, released on October 01, 2021, and it’s rated 2.85 out of 5 based on the latest 427 reviews. OverDrive 2.6 costs $2.99 and requires iOS 11.0+ and Android 10 or newer to download.

OverDrive 2.6 Gameplay Overview


Digital Dream Labs is proud to present Overdrive, back by popular demand! This version of Overdrive reverts some of the most current changes back to a more popular and requested time, as well as introducing a host of new features and improvements which include: * Returning Missions and Characters!
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How to Play OverDrive 2.6 on PC or Mac

Want to enjoy OverDrive 2.6 on your desktop? Download the latest APK (2.60, 450 MB) or choose your preferred version, and follow our Bluestacks emulator guide for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For any assistance with downloading or installing APK files, feel free to visit our forums!

Version: 2.6.10
Version: 2.6.8

User Reviews and Ratings

★★★★☆ Good game
It is still fun even if I parlay play, I don’t care if it has bugs, I just want to have fun
★★★★★ Great App
This app is amazing but there is just one thing missing from it and it would make all of the overdrive players love, and it’s the old soundtrack, JUST PLEASE BRING IT BACK and it would make this even better, even though it’s already super good. That’s all, overall great app
★★★★☆ Not Counting Medals and more
Great app! It was a total upgrade and gives off a high tech vibe, but the car revs are kind of bad, and it doesn’t count medals. And the music is completely muted, even when I dragged it all the way to the max! Will give five stars 4 this app if fixed!
★★★☆☆ It worked good, then…
It was working perfectly fine until a couple days later it wouldn’t let me use the cars, my Bluetooth is on, and also is my wi-fi. I also exited the app and went back in, I restarted my phone, my brother also wasn’t able to use them. Could you please tell me what is going on? ABOUT THE APP… It’s actually a good app, you connect the cars and make the track and drive around, you use your cars powers to disable other cars, you can do missions/quests to get money. 2 players if 2 people have the ap
★★★★★ Good app but why pay
This app is cool, but why do you have to make it cost money? This is just kinda dumb just to make an app that is to make the toy work, Cost money. Can’t you just make the app for free? I would like to know why this app cost 3 bucks
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