Paper Bin AR - throw paper Version History

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Delve into the extensive archive of Paper Bin AR - throw paper APK versions, featuring detailed notes and compatibility information for each of the 10 version histories collected since May 31, 2024. This page is dedicated to fans looking to explore the evolution of Paper Bin AR - throw paper.

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What's New in the Latest Version 4.4.4

Bug fixes

Daily Quests: Conquer daily challenges for awesome rewards!

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Paper Bin AR - throw paper APK Version History

Below is a list of APK file versions for Paper Bin AR - throw paper. Please note that download links for each version might not be available, or only accessible after the developer's approval.

Paper Bin AR - throw paper v4.4.4
Paper Bin AR - throw paper v4.2.6
- Locations. It is now possible to change the locations in which you play. You can get them on the trophy road or buy them with coins.
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Paper Bin AR - throw paper v4.2.1
- Better tutorial<br> - Drone fighter paper balls<br> - UI improvements
Paper Bin AR - throw paper v4.0.4
- Ability to continue the game for gems<br> - Gravity - helps to throw a paper ball into the basket
Paper Bin AR - throw paper v3.9.1
- New game mode Windy Paper Bin. <br> - Bug fixes
Paper Bin AR - throw paper v2.9.5
- New game mode : &quot;Pumpkin Basketball&quot;<br> - Improvements to the UI;
Paper Bin AR - throw paper v2.9.4
- Improved graphics; - New throwing system; - 4 Difficulty modes (was 3 before); - Ability to take picture of any environment and play in that environment later; - Fixed issues with discolored images;
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Paper Bin AR - throw paper v2.9.3
- Improved graphics; - New throwing system; - 4 Difficulty modes (was 3 before); - Ability to take picture of any environment and play in that environment later; - Fixed issues with discolored images;
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Paper Bin AR - throw paper v2.9.2
- New throwing system; - 4 Difficulty modes (was 3 before); - Ability to take picture of any environment and play in that environment later; - Fixed issues with discolored images; - Displaying current difficulty right above live leaderboards;
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Paper Bin AR - throw paper v2.9.0
- 4 Difficulty modes (was 3 before); - Ability to take picture of any environment and play in that environment later; - Fixed issues with discolored images; - Displaying current difficulty right above live leaderboards;
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Paper Bin AR - throw paper v2.8.9
- New difficulty Very Easy to complement Easy, Medium and Hard; - Better power efficiency and battery life; - Improved controls; - Improved live leaderboards;
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If you need help downloading specific version APK files, visit the Paper Bin AR - throw paper forum.