PaperCal is a productivity app developed by Johan Burgler. The latest update (v1.26), released on <em>April 04, 2024</em>, includes fixes and new features, and has been rated 4.77 out of 5 stars based on 324 reviews. PaperCal costs <em>$2.99</em> to download. The app is compatible with iOS 14.0+ and Android 13 or newer.


PaperCal icon

Genre: Productivity

Ratings: 4.77

Version: 1.26

Updated 04/04/24

Downloads: 118

Beautiful Real Paper Calendar

PaperCal is a productivity app developed by Johan Burgler. The latest update (v1.26), released on April 04, 2024, includes fixes and new features, and has been rated 4.77 out of 5 stars based on 324 reviews. PaperCal costs $2.99 to download. The app is compatible with iOS 14.0+ and Android 13 or newer.

What is PaperCal app?

Experience the realistic charm of a paper calendar with PaperCal. Choose from over 20 cool themes and enjoy an intuitive design, clean view, and efficient task and event management.
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Download PaperCal for PC/Mac

Ready to enjoy PaperCal on your PC or Mac? Download the latest APK file version (1.26), which requires 104 MB of free space. Follow our guide using the recommended emulator, Bluestacks, for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For help downloading or installing the PaperCal app, visit our forums.

Reviews on PaperCal for iOS

★★★★☆ Perfect with one request
I like this app, functional & easy to navigate. My request is to make the app able to function without having to connect a calendar or email to it. I don’t want the tasks I put on this app showing up and cluttering my Google calendar. I was hoping to use this app for meal schedule, workout schedule, daily misc chores and tasks, separate from my events schedule in Google which is shared with my family. Is this possible?? Thanks!
★★★☆☆ Please fix the Widget...
... it's not showing any calendar entries iOS 16 latest version (the big one with the week shown)
★★★★★ Love this but info not showing up on my iPad
Hi, I think I need app support. Everything is showing on my phone. I love the way it imports from my gmail and everything but none of my meetings or tasks are showing on my iPad. Is there a trick?
★★★★★ Checked off everything I wanted
✔️No Data Collected ✔️Pleasing aesthetics on widget ✔️clean and simple ✔️free or one time payment Thank you!
★★★★☆ Can’t invite attendees
Love the app and the concept. The invite attends has not always worked well but now when I try it crashes the app. I would have messaged the creator directly but I could not find contact info.
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