Pixel Heroes: Byte & Magic is an adventure role playing game developed by Headup GmbH. The last update, v1.36, released on September 11, 2015, and it’s rated 4.40 out of 5 based on the latest 25 reviews. Pixel Heroes: Byte & Magic is FREE and requires iOS 5.1.1+ and Android 4.1 or newer to download.
How to Play Pixel Heroes: Byte & Magic on PC or Mac
Want to enjoy Pixel Heroes: Byte & Magic on your desktop? Download the latest APK (1.36, 91 MB) or choose your preferred version, and follow our Bluestacks emulator guide for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For any assistance with downloading or installing APK files, feel free to visit our forums!
I really like this game, but it would make a lot of sense to add a way for the party to turn back once they've started a quest. It's too easy to get yourself into a position where it's effectively impossible to win but have to wait out several battles for the final blow to fall.
★★★☆☆Some fun but too pricey
This game has some enjoyable elements. I guarantee the people who review and say "you are crybabies and you haven't played video games like this before" are either idiots or the developers up-rating. There is lots to be said for upping the difficulty, but to make it uber hard to the point of losing because you don't know what to expect each quest is lame and unfun. There's no strategy or skill involved in dying on a quest bc you picked the wrong set of guys, which you can't change between quests
★★★★★Enjoyable Pixel Game
It took me a few deaths to figure out the best way to play the game, but once I did I was finally able to go through dungeons like a snap and finish up quests.
The humor is pretty funny. And when you find that special armor or weapon for your adventurers it's just an awesome feeling.
The game is a bit pricey, but you get a lot in one game plus there's no IAP hovering around.
★★★★☆Cool Game but $7 is way too much
Please make Game Center Achievements worth more than 1pt per achievement. 5 pts is usually the minimum. Id appreciate it if it was possible to earn up to at least 500pts when adding up all the achievements.
As far as the gameplay... It's fun. Aquiring gear and fighting bad guys is the perfect game. The fact It's way over priced though. $2 would be reasonable.
★★★★☆Great old school RPG
I love these type of games. You have to prepare for each dungeon to be successful. One thing I don't like are the mini encounters before you get to a dungeon. They can become repetitive. However, they are a small part of the game. Also, there is no exploration. You are pretty much on a rail after you exit the town. That being said, I definitely recommend this game.