Pool Scorer PRO is a sports app developed by VibSoft. The last update, v1.20, released on June 26, 2015, and it’s rated 4.60 out of 5 based on the latest 5 reviews. Pool Scorer PRO is FREE and requires iOS 5.1.1+ and Android 4.1 or newer to download.
Pool Scorer PRO is a simple tool to store your pool game history. Just click the balls to save your score! Your match is in your pocket!
Want to enjoy Pool Scorer PRO on your desktop? Download the latest APK (1.20, 66 MB) or choose your preferred version, and follow our Bluestacks emulator guide for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For any assistance with downloading or installing, feel free to visit our forums!
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User Reviews and Ratings
★★★★★Super weekend
Last weekends played pool with friends. :)) super match. For scoring this app suits. Well done guys.
★★★★★Really cool
Really help us to play fair. :))
★★★★☆Adds extra analysis, but there is a bug
Bug: If the person breaking does not pot any balls the next player who makes a ball, the stat gets added to the player's break pots, even if the other player is the one who broke the rack. This bug can be solved by recording every shot, missed or made, in the history of the frame/match by logging every time you use the second button on the bottom in the frame screen. This could also yield a stat for shots vs shots made giving the users a % of made shots which would be greatly appreciated if adde