Radio Navigation Simulator IFR is a navigation app developed by Digital Aviation. The last update, v3.20, released on October 04, 2020, and it’s rated 3.55 out of 5 based on the latest 11 reviews. Radio Navigation Simulator IFR costs $8.99 and requires iOS 11.4+ and Android 10.4 or newer to download.
Instrument Flight Trainer PRO
Maximise the value of In-Cockpit Flight Training using your iPad or iPhone, to learn and practice Instrument Navigation, Anytime or Anywhere, using Radio Navigation Simulator IFR PRO, (RNS-IFR PRO).
How to Use Radio Navigation Simulator IFR on Your PC or Mac
Want to enjoy Radio Navigation Simulator IFR on your desktop? Download the latest APK (3.20, 54 MB) or choose your preferred version, and follow our Bluestacks emulator guide for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For any assistance with downloading or installing APK files, feel free to visit our forums!
User Reviews and Ratings
★★★★☆Good app, cheaper than practicing up there.
I am an instrument rating student and downloaded this app to practice entering holding patterns at VORs and NDBs, works great, it could be easier to manipulate the controls, but works as advertised. It sure beats paying $50 an hour for a simulator or more than that to actually fly, but still does the trick of making your brain think.
As a tip, you can zoom out all the way if you want to simulate partial panel (not seeing the nice glass moving map). It would be great that they added a no moving
Amazing app!!!
Usefull.....nice.....and must have application.....great application
★★★★★Fantastic app
I am currently a helicopter CFI and CFII, I found this game one evening while waiting for my charter to finish eating dinner. After playing it for the 2 hour wait, I recommended it to all my students. Games are the fastest way to learn
★★★★☆Please add ILS Approaches
Really great application to practice the radio navigation instruments, BUT it would be great if you guys add ILS approaches and I would gladly turn my rating to 5 stars!!! Even some other 4$ applications have ILS approaches! It would be great to see the LOC back course concepts and so on.. I hope you guys read the reviews.. Thanks!