Release Pain with AJ is a medical app developed by Universal Relaxation. The last update, v9.40, released on October 23, 2023, and it’s rated 4.70 out of 5 based on the latest 10 reviews. Release Pain with AJ costs $2.99 and requires iOS 12.4+ and Android 11.4 or newer to download.
Andrew Johnson Meditation
Pain is often experienced as much in the mind as in the body, and with meditation and mindfulness training it is possible to remove those painful feelings and replace them with comfort and ease.
Want to enjoy Release Pain with AJ on your desktop? Download the latest APK (9.40, 121 MB) or choose your preferred version, and follow our Bluestacks emulator guide for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For any assistance with downloading or installing APK files, feel free to visit our forums!
User Reviews and Ratings
Immediate relief of knee pain!! Thank you!!!!
While thankfully not a chronic pain, the sciatica flare ups I get leave me limping and unable to stand, sit, or sleep without a high dose of Advil and a trip to the chiropractor. During my last 2 flares I used this and was not only deeply asleep, but the pain was gone when I woke up. Thank you!
I use all of Andrew Johnson's relaxation and sleep apps, but as a chronic pain sufferer this one has been the most beneficial. I'm recovering from major back surgery and I definitely feel this app has helped speed my recovery. Thank you so much for putting this together, Mr. Johnson.
★★★★★Best App for Pain
I have tried dozens of apps to help me cope with chronic migraines and this is my current favourite. It is also the best one for falling asleep even when I am not in acute pain (or 'discomfort' - I like the fact that he uses that term rather than ever saying 'pain'). I only wish that his other apps were as gentle sounding as I haven't found those others that I've downloaded (and I don't have them all) as relaxing or hypnotic. He sounds wonderfully compassionate in this and I'd love to have that
★★★★★Thank you
I have fibromyalgia and some days the pain is so ridiculous its all I have. This app helped me so much. I am in tears just for the relief I received. The pain isn't fully gone, but at least it's not so over whelming. And this was only the first day of the 21 recommended.