Reminders with Voice Reminder is a productivity app developed by Sergio Licea. The last update, v7.70, released on September 16, 2024, and it’s rated 4.68 out of 5 based on the latest 702 reviews. Reminders with Voice Reminder costs $1.99 and requires iOS 12.0+ and Android 11 or newer to download.
Alarm, Calendar, Remind Me App
Video: Reminders with Voice Reminder Overview
Aida Reminder lets you create reminders very easily and quickly. Recurring reminders are fully supported, you can set hourly, daily, weekly, monthly and yearly reminders, or even days of the week or month.
How to Use Reminders with Voice Reminder on Your PC or Mac
Want to enjoy Reminders with Voice Reminder on your desktop? Download the latest APK (7.70, 17 MB) or choose your preferred version, and follow our Bluestacks emulator guide for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For any assistance with downloading or installing APK files, feel free to visit our forums!
User Reviews and Ratings
★★★★★Simply the best >> update
No longer showing on my Apple Watch can you help? 12/15/21 This alarm was well planned out you can use it for anything. I love the versatility of it the speech reminders ,hour, daily reminders and the snooze it has everything that a person would need in alarm it is by far the best alarm that I’ve ever purchased And it’s not bad to look at either LOL OL
★★★☆☆Nice, but I’d not being improved….
Calendar integration more built-in icons. Lots of things could be improved The basic program works well, but development is disappointing.
★★★★★Better improvements
Is it possible to make this app eligible for a widget? I love the app and it works amazingly, I use it more than the apple calendar! I would just like it to be a widget!
Thank you!
★★★★★Adhd hack! Your voice is tells you what you are being reminded of!
The fact that I can tell myself what I am supposed to do is crucial!!! For example, one of my alarms has me yelling «Pack up and go!», and so I do that insted of being confused about and therefor ignoring the pings and pongs when I use regular other alarm apps.
★★★☆☆Loved it so much I kept it when it doesn’t work.
Started out with this years ago, but my iPhones don’t seem to work well with it. It’s unpredictable when the alarms are going to work, and undependable. Doesn’t matter to me anymore why it fails, or who’s fault it is, I’m not messing with it anymore. It needs to wake me up, not go off when I wake my phone’s screen up. Good luck with your app though.