Rockabilly Beatdown Version History


Delve into the extensive archive of Rockabilly Beatdown APK versions, featuring detailed notes and compatibility information for each of the 4 version histories collected since Oct 19, 2019. This page is dedicated to fans looking to explore the evolution of Rockabilly Beatdown.

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    English (7) See all
  • Initial release

What's New in the Latest Version 1.5.1

Another update awaits eager brawlers ready to throw down!

- Quick hot fix for Restore Purchases! Thank you for your patience.
- New music tracks and remixes, punch your way alongside riffs that mash up rockabilly and 16-bit tunes!
- Better level tuning to keep players on their toes!
- Pixel art updates on levels old and new!
- More underhood performance tweaks for super-fast loading and buttery gameplay framerate!
- New monster hero skins with special monster hotrod cars! Grab FREE skins from the store for Kimber and Bruiser, and an optional In-App Purchase for Ace and Manny (plus a new level!)
- Whatever bugs were found skittering about, we stomped them all out!

Rockabilly Beatdown APK Version History

Below is a list of APK file versions for Rockabilly Beatdown. Please note that download links for each version might not be available, or only accessible after the developer's approval.

Rockabilly Beatdown v1.5.1
Rockabilly Beatdown v1.4.2
Rev it up, ramblers! Players in a pickle will welcome the sound of the engine's roar: your sweet ride awaits with this latest update!
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Rockabilly Beatdown v1.4
Rev it up, ramblers! Players in a pickle will welcome the sound of the engine's roar: your sweet ride awaits with this latest update!
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Rockabilly Beatdown v1.3
How's Trix, Tiger? Rumblecade is peached to present Rockabilly Beatdown Update 1.3! UPDATE FEATURES - New level unlock, the Negazone!
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If you need help downloading specific version APK files, visit the Rockabilly Beatdown forum.