Remote for Roku TV & Smart TV is a utility app developed by To Ngoc Mai. The latest update (v1.80), released on <em>May 20, 2024</em>, includes fixes and new features, and has been rated 4.83 out of 5 stars based on 6.3K reviews. Remote for Roku TV & Smart TV is <em>FREE</em> to download. The app is compatible with iOS 14.0+ and Android 13 or newer.

Remote for Roku TV & Smart TV

Remote for Roku TV & Smart TV icon

Genre: Utilities

Ratings: 4.83

Version: 1.8.4

Updated 20/05/24

Downloads: 351

Remote Control for TCL Roku TV

Remote for Roku TV & Smart TV is a utility app developed by To Ngoc Mai. The latest update (v1.80), released on May 20, 2024, includes fixes and new features, and has been rated 4.83 out of 5 stars based on 6.3K reviews. Remote for Roku TV & Smart TV is FREE to download. The app is compatible with iOS 14.0+ and Android 13 or newer.

What is Remote for Roku TV & Smart TV app?

Remote for Roku TV & Smart TV application offers a superior method to control Roku TV using your iPhone or iPad.
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Promo Codes and In-App Purchases

Currently, there are no promo codes available. However, you can still get cool items like the 'Monthly Premium - Roku Remote' ($11.99), 'Remote Control for Roku - Week' ($6.99), 'Remote for Roku TV - Lifetime' ($29.99), 'Remote for Roku TV - Weekly' ($4.99), and more through in-app purchases.

Download Remote for Roku TV & Smart TV for PC/Mac

Ready to enjoy Remote for Roku TV & Smart TV on your PC or Mac? Download the latest APK file version (1.80), which requires 151 MB of free space. Follow our guide using the recommended emulator, Bluestacks, for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For help downloading or installing the Remote for Roku TV & Smart TV app, visit our forums.

Reviews on Remote for Roku TV & Smart TV for iOS

★★★★★ Roku
Tap to how many stars you would like for us to not pay for some apps.🙏👍
★★★★★ Roku remote
This app saved me when I lost my remote. Thank you guys so much
★★★★★ Advanced Roku/ SmartTV Remote
This is a great app so far but there are a few in app purchases that block you initially from using this remote. It has volume control where my actual Roku remote does not. Way more features overall. Great app!
★★★★★ Why is it not free
I have to pay for everything
★★★★★ Good
U are the best!!!
Read all reviews

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