Rpn-65 Sd is a productivity app developed by CuVee Software. The latest update (v3.90), released on <em>February 14, 2024</em>, includes fixes and new features, and has been rated 5.00 out of 5 stars based on 8 reviews. Rpn-65 Sd costs <em>$2.99</em> to download. The app is compatible with iOS 12.0+ and Android 11 or newer.

Rpn-65 Sd

Rpn-65 Sd icon

Genre: Productivity

Ratings: 5.00

Version: 3.9

Updated 14/02/24

Downloads: 158

First programmable calculator‪!‬

Rpn-65 Sd is a productivity app developed by CuVee Software. The latest update (v3.90), released on February 14, 2024, includes fixes and new features, and has been rated 5.00 out of 5 stars based on 8 reviews. Rpn-65 Sd costs $2.99 to download. The app is compatible with iOS 12.0+ and Android 11 or newer.

What is Rpn-65 Sd app?

World's first pocket computer! Now running on your iPhone. RPN-65 SD is the iPhone version of RPN-65 Pro, the first complete simulation of Hewlett-Packard's stunning HP-65 programmable calculator for iOS.
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App available in other languages

Download Rpn-65 Sd for PC/Mac

Ready to enjoy Rpn-65 Sd on your PC or Mac? Download the latest APK file version (3.90), which requires 62 MB of free space. Follow our guide using the recommended emulator, Bluestacks, for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For help downloading or installing the Rpn-65 Sd app, visit our forums.

Reviews on Rpn-65 Sd for iOS

★★★★★ Lovely, useful—now with haptic key clicks!
It seems just a few weeks ago I asked for haptic key click and now here it is! This is a nifty reminder of the satisfying “thunk” of the famously high quality keys of these classic physical calculators.
★★★★★ Lovely, useful—but haptic key clicks please
I would love to see haptic feedback on key clicks. It would more closely approximate the famously high quality key feel of the classic physical calculators.
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