Sara is Missing is a simulation role playing game developed by Kaigan Games OÜ. The last update, v1.70, released on December 07, 2016, and it’s rated 3.74 out of 5 based on the latest 2.7K reviews. Sara is Missing is FREE and requires iOS 9.0+ and Android 8 or newer to download.
Sara is Missing Gameplay Overview
You found a phone belonging to a missing person. What would you do?
Sara has disappeared under mysterious circumstances, and your only lead is her mobile phone.
Want to enjoy Sara is Missing on your desktop? Download the latest APK (1.70, 188 MB) or choose your preferred version, and follow our Bluestacks emulator guide for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For any assistance with downloading or installing APK files, feel free to visit our forums!
User Reviews and Ratings
★★★★☆Great but short
It is great but I wish it was a little bit longer the pictures are unsettling but in a good way but pls make it longer.
★★★★★Wow very scary but warning hacks your phone
Really fun but really really scary I played this at night and when it got to where irs got hacked it freaked me out cuz I live with bf and he went out of town thank god he is back now for the hacking part so when I got of my phone to watch a movie it said to many people where using my account wich was very Creepy bc I live alone
10/10 perfect length it was just perfect.. I was filled with horror and it was such a good ending ahhhhhhhhhhh I love this game so much. Change my experience with mobile gaming forever
★★★★☆Fun, but scary
This game was not what I expected it to be, I did not expect it to be this bad. It was really fun but was also terrifying. I downloaded this game thinking how bad could it be. It was BAD but it was soooooo fun. It was VERY gory and it had a couple bad parts. I understand why it said 17 and older cause I’m about 19 and this could easily give a twelve year old nightmares. This game was very fun and it only lasts about twenty minutes to play, I wish that there was more to the game and it lasted lo
★★★★★This is amazing but too short
I love this! At first I didn’t know what to do but I figured it out. It’s so good honestly. I loved everything. In some parts it’s realistic and you get into it. It’s so much fun !! I need part 2 of this seriously!! The thing is that it’s short but maybe you guys can do part 2? Thank you!!