
Published by Eugene Sandulenko on Dec 30, 2023
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Genre: Adventure

Ratings: 4.81

Version: 2.8.1

Updated: Sep 06, 2024

Downloads: 280

ScummVM is an adventure role playing game developed by Eugene Sandulenko. The last update, v2.80, released on September 06, 2024, and it’s rated 4.81 out of 5 based on the latest 80 reviews. ScummVM is FREE and requires iOS 9.0+ and Android 8 or newer to download.

ScummVM Gameplay Overview


ScummVM provides a way to play many classic graphical point-and-click adventure games and RPGs. NO GAME DATA FILES ARE INCLUDED; you must supply your own.
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How to Play ScummVM on PC or Mac

Want to enjoy ScummVM on your desktop? Download the latest APK (2.80, 180 MB) or choose your preferred version, and follow our Bluestacks emulator guide for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For any assistance with downloading or installing APK files, feel free to visit our forums!

User Reviews and Ratings

★★☆☆☆ Needs improvement
This app is a nice fork to Retroarch especially since it bypassed Apple on the AppStore. The thing it lacks are better UI, easier navigation, more significant way to add games, etc etc. Good job though, I’m glad to see better emulators on the AppStore!
★★★★★ Wonderful!
I’m so pleased to see this on the AppStore. I’m a huge fan of this project and am just so grateful I no longer need to sideload to enjoy it. I’m not sure how you got this through approval but thanks all the same. Looking forward to official updates. Good luck and good work!
★★★★★ Amazing
I can play Quest for Glory with MT-32 music on my phone. This is incredible.
★★★★☆ Love that it finally came to iOS, but just needs one thing
I’ve been a huge fan of ScummVM for years and with my iPad at work it’s nice that some games are available as ports but other games I wanted to play I had to play with PC or emulation devices. This is a huge plus to finally see it here but for some reason I cannot seem to get ScummVM to work with my iPad keyboard and trackpad. It seems to only want to use the onscreen keyboard and tapping the screen for the cursor which is nice but I want to be able to point and click with an actual trackpad. I
★★★★★ 90s pc gaming on my ipad…for free!
This is amazing. Took me a little bit to figure it out tho. Manually connected to OneDrive for the cloud. Then took me a little bit to figure out how where to move the game files and then starting it up in Scumm. But i got it. And the first game i loaded was Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis. Awesome! Works great. Next are the og Monkey Island games and a bunch of old Sierra games. Im stoked to waste hours of more time on my ipad.
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