SHUA Jeu de Tarot Version History


Delve into the extensive archive of SHUA Jeu de Tarot APK versions, featuring detailed notes and compatibility information for each of the 10 version histories collected since Sep 23, 2024. This page is dedicated to fans looking to explore the evolution of SHUA Jeu de Tarot.

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What's New in the Latest Version 4.2.1

- Various AI improvements
- Bug fixes.

SHUA Jeu de Tarot APK Version History

Below is a list of APK file versions for SHUA Jeu de Tarot. Please note that download links for each version might not be available, or only accessible after the developer's approval.

SHUA Jeu de Tarot v4.2.1
SHUA Jeu de Tarot v3.9.5
- It is now possible to see the dog again until the start of the game - Increased number of "swing" games in Duplicate mode - Major improvements and corrections to the AI ​​in different phases of the game including: • removal of all cases where the defense mistakenly opened the 4th color (suit remaining after identification of the declarer's ruffs/singletons) • the management of discarded cards especially in the 4th suit
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SHUA Jeu de Tarot v3.9.4
- Bug Fixes.
SHUA Jeu de Tarot v3.9.0
AI improvements and fixes. Among the corrections, the refusal to play trump on odd trump (FFT and O/E signaling)
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SHUA Jeu de Tarot v3.7.2
- Added a button at the end of the round to display the details of the score calculation<br> - Minor bugs fixes
SHUA Jeu de Tarot v3.5.7
- Dark mode support<br> - Bug fixes.
SHUA Jeu de Tarot v3.5.6
This release includes bug fixes and general enhancements.
SHUA Jeu de Tarot v3.4.3
New game options : pickup cards automatically and preselect playable cards.
SHUA Jeu de Tarot v3.3.2
- Bug fixes.
SHUA Jeu de Tarot v3.1.2
- iOS 13 Support<br> - Bug Fixes
SHUA Jeu de Tarot v3.1.1
- Startup sound now depends on 'Sound' toggle - Incentive view for downloading other apps is not displayed on the paid version - Bug fixes.
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If you need help downloading specific version APK files, visit the SHUA Jeu de Tarot forum.