Slydris 2 Version History


Delve into the extensive archive of Slydris 2 APK versions, featuring detailed notes and compatibility information for each of the 6 version histories collected since Dec 23, 2020. This page is dedicated to fans looking to explore the evolution of Slydris 2.

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What's New in the Latest Version 1.13

Version 1.13:
Made the drop button available until you are in Danger (instead of just half way up).
Fixed double-tapping the Undo button sometimes ending your game immediately.

Slydris 2 APK Version History

Below is a list of APK file versions for Slydris 2. Please note that download links for each version might not be available, or only accessible after the developer's approval.

Slydris 2 v1.13
Slydris 2 v1.05
Lots of small tweaks/fixes: * Added Experience-unlocked starting points at higher difficulties/scores (up to 6,000 points at Max Difficulty) * Tweaked 3rd step of tutorial * Increased ad timer 15 seconds * Increased ad timer 1st time you play
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Slydris 2 v1.04
* Fixed crash with 1.03 in some non-US regions (hopefully) * Battery Saver Mode (in More Options) * Add some safety checks to prevent more unlikely crashes in the future * Removed skip counter in Ultimate mode on options screen
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Slydris 2 v1.03
Lots of user experience fixes and improvements in 1.03: * Daily reward added: 1 free ad skip per day * Extra tutorial step to make it more clear you can move any block on any row * Extra reminder that you can move any block (when you move 5 or more in a row at the top) * Changed More Info to More Options
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Slydris 2 v1.02
Version 1.02 changes: * Added Share button for GIF replays and made it work with GIPHY * Smoothed out the difficulty curve at the beginning of the game * Put the Ultimate Mode IAP on the main menu (leaderboard is now a smaller button) so it's easier to find * Switched to a different method for rating the game that works more consistently
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Slydris 2 v1.01
Lots of subtle improvements/fixes: * Outer-grid row highlights/flashing on row clear * Show always-highlighted box for ad button the lower it gets (if you have no skips) * Slight tweak to dropping effect * Spawn effect for color breaker
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If you need help downloading specific version APK files, visit the Slydris 2 forum.