Sorcery! 4

Published by inkle Ltd on Sep 22, 2016
Sorcery! 4 icon

Genre: Books

Ratings: 4.63

Version: 1.1.2

Updated: Sep 21, 2019

Downloads: 200

Sorcery! 4 is a books adventure game developed by inkle. The last update, v1.10, released on September 21, 2019, and it’s rated 4.63 out of 5 based on the latest 82 reviews. Sorcery! 4 costs $4.99 and requires iOS 8.0+ and Android 7 or newer to download.

Sorcery! 4 Gameplay Overview


An epic adventure through a cursed citadel of monsters, traps and magic. Begin your journey here (Parts 1-3 not required) - or conclude your epic adventure.
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How to Play Sorcery! 4 on PC or Mac

Want to enjoy Sorcery! 4 on your desktop? Download the latest APK (1.10, 447 MB) or choose your preferred version, and follow our Bluestacks emulator guide for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For any assistance with downloading or installing APK files, feel free to visit our forums!

Version: 1.1.2
Version: 1.0.1

User Reviews and Ratings

★★★★★ GREAT!!!
An amazingly well written end to a glorious adventure. If you've enjoyed previous Sorcery! games them you will love this. A must have for any true fan of Sorcery!
★★★★★ Wonderful Game!
Playing through all of the endings has been a blast! My only suggestion is to allow the rewind button to activate after the player has played through part 4 from start to finish (x) amount of times. I am at the point with Sorcery! 4 where I have played through quite a few times and would like to see what happens when I make minor adjustments to my selections, but I have to do quite a bit of replaying and remembering prior selections to be able to see minor changes to conversations, etc.
★★★★★ Best adventure ever!
This is the greatest game I have played. Having played every sorcery, I can officially say I have experienced the greatest exploration in such a complex world that feels so alive. I recommend this to anyone who wants a game on their phone that is both rich in content and true to the real art of a grade-A adventure game.
★★★★★ Masterpiece
I loved these books as a kid in the 80's, and these apps transported me right back. The text leaves enough room for your imagination to work. Perfect if you like rpg's or D&D without all that mucking about with dice and character sheets.
★★★★★ Amazing
After going through this last final adventure... oh, what am I saying? You never get everything right the first time through with Sorcery! - and that's part of the fun! The story is more intense than ever, new gameplay elements once again appear to help or hinder you, and it all blends together into a worthy finisher to the Sorcery! series of mobile games. (these were books, apparently; perhaps that's why this is so good?) If you haven't played the first three, I would highly recommend playing
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