Split Screen Multitasking View is a utility app developed by vishnu rao. The last update, v1.80, released on September 05, 2021, and it’s rated 2.58 out of 5 based on the latest 430 reviews. Split Screen Multitasking View costs $8.99 and requires iOS 11.0+ and Android 10 or newer to download.
Do 2 Things At Once on iPhone
Video: Split Screen Multitasking View Overview
Ranked #1 iPhone & iPad Utility App in 50+ Countries, Split Screen Multitasking app DuMore also ranked Top 10 in around 100 countries including USA, China & Japan, Top 25 in 84 countries and Top 100 in several more.
How to Use Split Screen Multitasking View on Your PC or Mac
Want to enjoy Split Screen Multitasking View on your desktop? Download the latest APK (1.80, 32 MB) or choose your preferred version, and follow our Bluestacks emulator guide for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For any assistance with downloading or installing APK files, feel free to visit our forums!
User Reviews and Ratings
★★★★★I love this app
Thank you, works great for streaming
★★★★★Bought this for Split screen as much as its Social Plugin feature
Tried it and split screen multitasking works well with facebook and youtube and many other sites as well
★★★★★Great for going at your own pace
When following a lecture it is easy to open google and lookup something quickly .. Tab system is great but instead of combining whole screen in a tab if I can have a tab for each splitted screen that'll be even better
★★★★★Split Screen is awesome
Wish this was a default feature but can understand whhy Apple wouldn't add it to the small screen size
★★★★★Best for people who like minimal apps
I like to keep my phone free of apps and this one is like a lottery for me, I am so happy to find it .. will try a little more and once I get used to it I am deleteing all my social networking apps and youtube and music apps as well, wow.