Swim Coach Plus HD is a sports app developed by Zappasoft Pty. The last update, v5.70, released on December 06, 2022, and it’s rated 3.33 out of 5 based on the latest 3 reviews. Swim Coach Plus HD costs $2.99 and requires iOS 11.0+ and Android 10 or newer to download.
Video: Swim Coach Plus HD Overview
Video Analysis for Swimming - Anyone Anywhere Anytime
RECORD | COMPARE | IMPROVE your Swimming technique
Technique is the key to swimming success and enjoyment.
Want to enjoy Swim Coach Plus HD on your desktop? Download the latest APK (5.70, 85 MB) or choose your preferred version, and follow our Bluestacks emulator guide for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For any assistance with downloading or installing, feel free to visit our forums!
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User Reviews and Ratings
★★★★★Great app
I make videos for my private lesson swimmers, capturing their progress over time. This app is a terrific tool for that. It's also nice to have video of "perfect" swimmers on all strokes in one spot. Even without the great "compare" feature. Can't wait for this app to be developed more!
★★★★☆Swim coach plus hd
Very nice App. Helpful.
★★★☆☆Under water angles needed..
I like the Application and I use it often to show my swimmers but I would like some under water views of swimming,starts,turns,and finishes.
★★★★☆More reference videos
Love this app for looking at video and giving kids feedback. Especially love the time delay. Would be 5 stars if there were more reference videos or even a way to purchase more.
★★★★☆Great App with 1 shortcoming.
This is a great app. The ability to analyze technique from full speed to frame by frame, overlay, lots of great features. One weakness is the reference folder. You can’t move videos in and out. Also if a video is filed in reference in error, it can’t be deleted.