Terminal Madness Point&Click

Published by Codepassion S.L. on Apr 16, 2021
Terminal Madness Point&Click icon

Genre: Adventure

Ratings: 3.88

Version: 2.0.8

Updated: Sep 03, 2023

Downloads: 892

Terminal Madness Point&Click is an adventure entertainment game developed by Codepassion SL. The last update, v2.00, released on September 03, 2023, and it’s rated 3.88 out of 5 based on the latest 56 reviews. Terminal Madness Point&Click costs $1.99 and requires iOS 11.4+ and Android 10.4 or newer to download.

Hacker graphic adventure game

Terminal Madness Point&Click Gameplay Overview


Crypto, is a Hipster Hacker who faces a Big Tech who wants to take over the world with a virus that controls people's minds. Immerse yourself in this fun graphic adventure and don't let them get away with it.
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Available In-App Purchases

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Large Coffee


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Small Coffee


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How to Play Terminal Madness Point&Click on PC or Mac

Want to enjoy Terminal Madness Point&Click on your desktop? Download the latest APK (2.00, 122 MB) or choose your preferred version, and follow our Bluestacks emulator guide for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For any assistance with downloading or installing APK files, feel free to visit our forums!

Version: 2.0.8
Version: 2.0.7

User Reviews and Ratings

★★★★☆ Fun, but English is sometimes incoherent
Really enjoyed this game but the English was sometimes hard to understand the way it was written and the gameplay just felt a bit clunky. However, I just finished the other game, “Terminal Madness - The Awakening” and the English had vastly improved and there was a nice hint system.
★★★☆☆ Bug with inventory
I liked the game for the most part. Got to a place where I had more in my inventory than would allow on one page. I can not find a way to scroll my inventory to find more items in order to move forward in the game. It is extremely frustrating…
★★★☆☆ AI Voices are ruining mobile games
The game itself seems fine, but the obvious AI voices are awful. The unnatural speech patterns and weird inflections made the game unplayable to me. Pay actual humans to do voices next time.
★★★★★ Great game!
Challenging but so fun.
★★★☆☆ Looks good
Nice graphics. However puzzles not easy to figure out. I checked everywhere but I can’t find a mug to pour the coffee into. The hint system assumes it is a no brainer to figure it out.
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