TFT: Teamfight Tactics is an action strategy game developed by Riot Games. The latest update (v14.10), released on <em>May 16, 2024</em>, includes fixes and new features, and has been rated 4.47 out of 5 stars based on 57.8K reviews. TFT: Teamfight Tactics is <em>FREE</em> to download. The app is compatible with iOS 13.0+ and Android 12 or newer.

TFT: Teamfight Tactics

TFT: Teamfight Tactics icon

Genre: Action

Ratings: 4.47

Version: 14.10.5840847

Updated 16/05/24

Downloads: 422

Strategic PvP Auto Battler

TFT: Teamfight Tactics is an action strategy game developed by Riot Games. The latest update (v14.10), released on May 16, 2024, includes fixes and new features, and has been rated 4.47 out of 5 stars based on 57.8K reviews. TFT: Teamfight Tactics is FREE to download. The app is compatible with iOS 13.0+ and Android 12 or newer.

What is TFT: Teamfight Tactics app?

Game Description

Put your team-building skills to the test in Teamfight Tactics, the multiplayer PvP auto battler from the studio behind League of Legends.
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App available in other languages

Download TFT: Teamfight Tactics for PC/Mac

Ready to enjoy TFT: Teamfight Tactics on your PC or Mac? Download the latest APK file version (14.10), which requires 125 MB of free space. Follow our guide using the recommended emulator, Bluestacks, for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For help downloading or installing the TFT: Teamfight Tactics app, visit our forums.

Version: 13.22.5411765
Version: 13.11.5116414

Reviews on TFT: Teamfight Tactics for iOS

★★★★★ Tft
Stop rigging the games! It’s frustrating knowing how to play the game and having to deal with stupid things like that
★★★☆☆ I’ve heard it’s a great game but awful for beginners
I have friends that play it and they love it but dear god is it awful to begin with. Even with some who knows the game well trying to help me the tutorial and the beginning matches make no sense to me. I’ve heard the same thing of people cplainimf how hard it is at first because there’s so much going on in the beginning Again, I’ve heard good things about the game but I’ve heard people hate how confusing it is at first, and I feel the beginning is WAY to complicated and overwhelming to really c
★★★★★ good game, but nerf ashe
the game works wonderfully on mobile, but there are way too many characters that need nerfs and make trying to play ranked a nightmare. i have won 1 match this set out of the 50-100 matches ive played, all because of mythic builds or just plain ashe being way too broken. please for the love of god nerf ashe, its making me wanna quit cuz no matter how hard i try to build her, i cant seem to get anywhere but she does amazing for others.
★★☆☆☆ Pretty bad iPad experience, pc is great
All game modes locked, seems to be a bug where you’re in a lobby but TFT doesn’t let you leave it. Very unfortunate, mobile TFT seems to be forgotten. But pc client I’ve been having a blast. I just don’t have my gaming pc with me all the time. So this is very unlucky. Rolled down all my gold and didn’t hit, for iPad comp. Going 8th.
★★★★★ Simply the best
I’ve downloaded a myriad of roguelites / roguelikes on steam, autobattlers, and everything somewhat in between. TFT is leagues ahead and still the best. Classic riot to take a concept, but improve on it with their unique spin and never stop.
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