The Manhole: Masterpiece is a family entertainment game developed by Cyan Worlds. The last update, v2.00, released on May 14, 2024, and it’s rated 4.83 out of 5 based on the latest 23 reviews. The Manhole: Masterpiece costs $1.99 and requires iOS 14.0+ and Android 13 or newer to download.
The Manhole: Masterpiece Gameplay Overview
Welcome to The Manhole! From the creators of Myst, The Manhole is a silly, delightful, interactive, busy-box-of-a-world that kids can explore and explore - finding something new around every corner.
Want to enjoy The Manhole: Masterpiece on your desktop? Download the latest APK (2.00, 88 MB) or choose your preferred version, and follow our Bluestacks emulator guide for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For any assistance with downloading or installing APK files, feel free to visit our forums!
Once I saw this on the app store, I had to buy it! I used to play this non-stop when I was a kid on my parents Mac IIci. This brings back so many memories! Thanks for bringing this to the iPhone Cyan!!! I still play this every now and then when I'm in a waiting room etc.
★★★★★Love this app when will cosmic osmo be available?!
Love this game, wish cosmic osmo were available!
★★☆☆☆according to my 5 yr old.
The first thing my 5 yr old son said about this app: "Mom, this game is stupid. You can't pick up any clues to use later. There aren't any puzzles to figure out... It does nothing!"
I gave it a second star, for pity, because I've already introduced him to simpler Myst-like apps, like Mystery Lighthouse, the Lost City, & Cryptic Keep. All of which completely engaged him from start to finish.
He has a clever, hungry mind- and this app just wasn't enough of anything to keep his interest. Which do
★★★★★Love this!
Well I don't have to load my HyperCard... :-) I loved the original Manhole and to have the experience again and share my childhood super-memory with kids that I love is so awesome. I think it is inline with the story games kids are playing now. Excited to spend more time in the Manhole World!! Thank you for giving me this back!
And also another vote for Cosmic Osmo!
This was my favorite game growing up. This game is what essentially turned me into a gamer nerd and it even lead me to other great point and click games (i.e. Riven and Myst) when I found it on the App Store I did not hesitate to pay the 2 dollars, and now this game brings a year to my eye as it blasts me back to my whipper-snapper days!