TouchAble Pro is a music app developed by AppBC. The latest update (v1.76), released on <em>November 27, 2021</em>, includes fixes and new features, and has been rated 2.92 out of 5 stars based on 48 reviews. TouchAble Pro costs <em>$29.99</em> to download. The app is compatible with iOS 9.3+ and Android 8.3 or newer.

touchAble Pro

touchAble Pro icon

Genre: Music

Ratings: 2.92

Version: 1.761

Updated 27/11/21

Downloads: 478

TouchAble Pro is a music app developed by AppBC. The latest update (v1.76), released on November 27, 2021, includes fixes and new features, and has been rated 2.92 out of 5 stars based on 48 reviews. TouchAble Pro costs $29.99 to download. The app is compatible with iOS 9.3+ and Android 8.3 or newer.

What is TouchAble Pro app?

App Description

touchAble Pro makes it easy to produce and perform music in Ableton Live by putting everything you need directly at your fingertips. Eight years ago touchAble defined what a touch controller app for Live could do.
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Download TouchAble Pro for PC/Mac

Ready to enjoy TouchAble Pro on your PC or Mac? Download the latest APK file version (1.76), which requires 48 MB of free space. Follow our guide using the recommended emulator, Bluestacks, for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For help downloading or installing the TouchAble Pro app, visit our forums.

Reviews on TouchAble Pro for iOS

★★★★★ Phenomenal
Easily one of the best music production apps ever created for iOS. In many ways it is a superior control surface vs Ableton Push 2. In particular the touch screen approach combined with a high resolution tablet grants you unlimited control off session view grid. Far more flexible than the Push’s 8x8 grid, and every clip is fully labeled. Edit the piano roll in ways that cannot be done with Push.
★★★★★ How can anyone use Ableton with this????
Does what it says it does….really really well. Not sure why this app has anything other than a 5 star rating. I’m running Ableton live 11 version 11.2.6 on windows 10 version 21H with an iPad. Installed perfectly. Works perfectly. No problems at all. Only thing I can think of re: the other reviews is that people don’t know how to follow basic install instructions????
★★★★★ Incredible App!
It is immediately obvious the amount of time and care that has been put into this app. Most of the bad reviews here seem to be folks that either don’t understand how to install the app properly or aren’t hooking it up right. I use this app to perform and live loop and it has never let me down. I have a gigantic ableton set and it navigates the set quickly and with grace. The custom control section is especially powerful when combined with the split screen features. Customizable, powerful, and ea
★★★★★ Game changer!
Running on iPad mini / Ableton 10 / USB. This app is really well thought out and responsive. I just started using it and already have discovered new Live workflows. The Device controls are sooo good. Invaluable creative tool!
★★★★★ Great job!
Fantastic update. Love the new layout and features. Totally stable for live performance as well as studio work. Really appreciate your work.
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