Tsuro - The Game of the Path Version History
Thunderbox Entertainment Ltd.
Delve into the extensive archive of Tsuro - The Game of the Path APK versions, featuring detailed notes and compatibility information for each of the 7 version histories collected since Oct 20, 2021. This page is dedicated to fans looking to explore the evolution of Tsuro - The Game of the Path.
More Information
- Package Namecom.Thunderbox.Tsuro
- Content Rating4+
- LanguagesEnglish (10) See all
- Initial release2016-02-03
What's New in the Latest Version 1.12
Online improvements, better turn alerts, bug fixes.
Tsuro - The Game of the Path APK Version History
Below is a list of APK file versions for Tsuro - The Game of the Path. Please note that download links for each version might not be available, or only accessible after the developer's approval.
Tsuro - The Game of the Path v1.12
Tsuro - The Game of the Path v1.11
A whole new way to play! We call it... FUSE MODE!!!
Tsuro - The Game of the Path v1.10
Solo mode scoreboard is back online! Small bug fixes for multiplayer with a better rematch flow. Layout adjustments for your fancy new devices.
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Tsuro - The Game of the Path v1.9
Brand new, silky smooth multiplayer system!
Tsuro - The Game of the Path v1.8
Brand new Rainbow Stones!<br>
Better battery life!<br>
Bug Fixes!<br>
Tsuro - The Game of the Path v1.7
Augmented Reality tweaks.<br>
iPhone X enhancements.
Tsuro - The Game of the Path v1.6
Augmented Reality! Play Tsuro on your tabletop, as if it were right there in front of you. Also bug fixes and stability improvements.
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If you need help downloading specific version APK files, visit the Tsuro - The Game of the Path forum.